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[Admins] Network Admin Overview & FAQ
[Admins] Network Admin Overview & FAQ
Updated over a week ago


As an Advance product user, you'll have more than one website & CRM that are networked together by BoomTown.

When this occurs, a new user permission becomes available to users on the networked websites, called a Network Admin.

The Network Admin role gives users the ability to toggle the information displayed in their Lead Central, Lead Matching, My Deals, Hot Sheet, Reporting, and Agent & Lender user lists through a drop-down menu of all their networked websites.

The toggle for these networked sites, usually called Office-Level sites, allows one website to be selected at a time, and all the lead, user and reporting information updates to reflect the details of that specific website.

Due to this, the Network Admin permission is great for the person who wants insight into all sites within their network and be able to view reporting for all sites from one central login.

Network Admins are able to perform actions on leads across their network, similar to a Broker/Admin user, but with visibility into all the accounts from one login.

Network Admins also have the ability to create Linked Accounts for other Agent and Broker/Admin users across their network.

Limitations to the Network Admin role include:

  • The inability to create or share Smart-Drip Plans across the network

  • The inability to utilize Smart-Drip Plans from other tenants in their network

  • The inability to create or share Email & Text Templates across the network

  • The inability to utilize Email & Text Templates from other tenants in their network​

Link Accounts

Do you have multiple BoomTown sites networked together? Do you need to be able to log in and out of user accounts quickly? Then our new Linked Accounts feature is going to make your life easier!

How It Works

A Network Admin may need to frequently login to 3 BoomTown accounts.

Previously this would require multiple windows, or the need to log out and log in of the different user accounts for these sites such as...

With the option to link accounts, you can link the three logins together, and use one handy modal to jump in and out of the accounts!

When you jump to an account you will have all the permissions, and functionality of that user. You can also stay in touch with notifications for those accounts in the modal.

Set Up

While Agent and Broker/Admin users will be able to have accounts that are linked within your network, as a Network Admin user, you'll be the only person able to actually perform the act of linking the accounts together for other users.

To link a user account, navigate to the Users - Agents page of the Admin tab in your left-hand menu bar.

Select an Agent or Broker/Admin user that you would like to link accounts for, and then select the Add link in the Linked Accounts column.

A modal will appear that will bring up all of your sites, and give a user drop-down for that site.

Simply select the profile from the drop-down you would like to Link.

Look at the top of the menu to ensure you are on the correct profile you wish to connect.

This example has Network Admin as the user profile being connected to Joe Broker in

Whichever user you've linked will need to then log out and back into their BoomTown account before having the ability to quickly access their newly linked accounts.

This can be done by accessing their photo icon in the top right corner, and selecting Log Out.

Once logged back in, the Network Admin user with the linked accounts can use the modal to jump in and out of the Joe Broker profile.

If Joe Broker gets a message, the orange notification icon will have a number corresponding with Joe's Messages.

Linked Accounts vs Network Admins

As an Advance client, you will have access to more than one BoomTown CRM and website, with the sites connected to one another through a network.

Through this feature, Broker/Admins can be added by BoomTown as Network Admins.

The Network Admin role allows you to view Lead Central, Lead Matching, My Deals, Hot Sheet, Reporting and Agent & Lender user lists with a drop-down menu to filter by each specific website. Allowing you to view all the information through one login.

Additionally, as a Network Admin, you'll have the ability to set up Linked Accounts for Agent & Broker/Admin users on your team.

Linked accounts will not display the website drop-down within pages in the CRM, but instead, will enable a website modal within the user's account, that let's them jump into their other accounts on their other websites -- without having to log out and log in with the other credentials.

While there are some limitations to the functionality available to Network Admins, if you have Linked Accounts set up as well, you can easily jump back and forth between each of the platforms, with full access to each platform as if it was accessed directly through the login page!

Frequently Asked Questions

If I create a Smart-Drip Plan on one platform, can I use it for all of them?

As a Network Admin, there's not currently a way to create a Smart-Drip Plan that can be shared for use across your network of websites. Additionally, you will not be able to add Smart-Drip Plans to leads from other tenants when viewing them from within your Network Admin account. A good workaround here would be to create Smart-Drip Plans, then share them in the Sharing Library, so you can then access them from each account in your Network, copy them to your plans, and share them with the team on each platform accordingly!

When posting to Craigslist, I can't see the listing for all my websites! Why?

If you're utilizing the Craigslist Poster tool from within a Network Admin account, you will only be able to see the listings associated with the account that you have the Network Admin role on, and you won't be able to access the listings associated with your other websites from that account.

For example, if you're a Network Admin user on a platform for Jacksonville, FL, and you want to post Craigslist listings from your Omaha, NE website, you will need to log out of the Network Admin account (or jump into the Linked Account), and access your Omaha account to post those specific listings.

How do I check how my Agents are following-up across platforms?

Within your Reporting tab of your account, you can access the Agent Accountability dashboard, where there will be a list of all your websites, and the overall statistics for each of them. To get more granular data about specific Agents on each website, simply select the website URL, and you'll be taken to the full Agent Accountability report for that site from one location!

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