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Google Calendar
Updated over a week ago

Get An Account with Google

Google is a system independent from BoomTown and an account must be created through them separately in order to utilize the Google Calendar sync feature. If you don't already have a Google account, you can create one here!

Connect Google Account

Once you have a Google account, to get it connected to your BoomTown account, simply click on your image in the upper right corner and select the Integrations option from the drop-down.

On the integration page, you'll be given a choice to connect with Google Calendar. Select the Connect button.

You'll be re-directed to another page where you can connect your existing Google Calendar account with BoomTown, by selecting the Connect with Google Calendar option.

Select this button, and you'll be taken to another page where you'll be able to select the Google account you'd like to connect to BoomTown.

Once you've done so, you'll be prompted to allow BoomTown to access to data within your Google account -- simply select the Allow button.

Then, you'll be brought back to BoomTown, and connected through the integration -- so you can sync your To-Dos with Google Calendar!

Syncing To-Dos with Google Calendar

Once Google Calendar is connected to your account in BoomTown, you will be able to create To-Dos within BoomTown, and have them sync to your Google Calendar to create events!

This option will only apply to To-Dos that are created outside of Smart-Drip Actions Plans. Any To-Dos from Smart-Drip Plans aren't able to be synced with Google Calendar at this time.

The Google Calendar sync option will be available when creating a new To-Do through either your To-Do List within the CRM, or through a specific lead's profile page. Additionally, you can always edit an existing To-Do to have it synced to your linked Google Calendar.

Create & Sync a New To-Do

If you'd like to create and sync a new To-Do to your Google Calendar, first either navigate to the lead profile for the specific lead you'd like to target and select the Set To-Do button, or access your To-Do List and select the button, to then search for the specific lead's name.

Once you're viewing the To-Do creation window with the specific lead's name, category and lead type listed at the top, you'll be able to input the type of To-Do you'd like to create (such as Meeting, Follow-up, etc.), the date and time for the To-Do, and a note you'd like to have associated with it.

When creating a To-Do to sync with Google Calendar, the best way to ensure that the details of lead (name, contact information, etc.) display in calendar event is to add them in the notes area of the To-Do. Be advised that this information will display to all people included on the invite-- so it's important to be conscious of this when inviting clients to the event.

As long as your account is connected with Google Calendar, there will also be a check box toward the bottom of the To-Do window, that you'll want to ensure is checked to sync when the To-Do is created.

You can also elect to include a location for the event, as well as the email addresses for the lead and/or others to be included on the event invitation through Google.

Once you've made your selections, select the Save button, to have the event created on your Google Calendar!

Edit & Sync an Existing To-Do

To edit an existing To-Do and have it sync to Google Calendar, access the lead profile associated with the To-Do, or locate the To-Do within your To-Do List page of your account.

Once found, hover over the To-Do to select the pencil icon, in order to make changes.

Once you've made changes to the To-Do, if you'd then like to sync it to Google Calendar, check the box toward the bottom for Sync to Google Calendar, include any location and/or contact information for the invitation, and then select the Save button.

The To-Do should then sync to your Google Calendar!

Disconnect Google Calendar

In the event that you are needing to disconnect your Google account from your BoomTown account, simply click on your image in the upper right corner and select the Integrations option from the drop-down.

On the integrations page, select the Connect button on the Google Calendar Sync option, and you'll find the Disconnect button to unlink Google from your BoomTown account.

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