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DLAR Reporting

How to use the DLAR report along with its other variations.

Taryn Wickel avatar
Written by Taryn Wickel
Updated over 10 months ago

The Elevate GO DLAR report gives you a way to visualize your DLAR location data in a clear and precise manner with the ability to see trends and shifts in your business. Not only this, but we segmented this report into different variations to view the data that is most important to you in the way you want to view it. Let go over how to use the report and its variations.

Standard DLAR Report

The DLAR Report can be found when you log in, acting as the homepage, or on the left-hand menu next to the checkered flag. At the top of the report, you will see the filters to delineate your data. These filters can help you realize trends and go through a lot of data with precision.

Right below the filters are rows of widgets. They showcase the most critical data based on current Boost initiatives in a summarized and understandable way. Note: These widgets will update whenever you update the report with new filters.

Below those widgets is the bulk of the DLAR data. This can be organized by using the filters or column header to view in a way that gets the information you need. Within the data, you will see highlighted numbers that are linked to other reports that can give you more details on that metric. Note: This can depend on DLAR access.

Alternative DLAR Reports

What’s excellent about Elevate GO’s DLAR report is that there are different variations to make finding trends even easier. Most, if not all of the variations, have the same DLAR data from the original report.

Although, these different reports segment out that same data in different ways to give you a wider or more narrow picture.

Plans & Comp Device Mix

As a Dealer user, you may have additional DLAR reports like the Calendar Report or the Markets DLAR. The calendar shows your daily DLAR data, where the Markets DLAR delineates it by markets. As a Carrier or DDP User, you may see more beyond that, like the Door Type DLAR organized by door type.

Calendar Report

These additional variations of the DLAR are a great way to get more insight into your data from another viewpoint. Utilizing all the DLAR reports together will help you find trends easier, build-out achievable goals for your locations, and make clear decisions to build a more substantial business.

Archived DLAR

Starting August 2022, the DLAR reports began to include GSF activations along with non-GSF activations. Because of this, Elevate GO was reorganized to show non-GSF activations prior to August 2022 in a different area.

Archived Reports can be found under the menu non-checkered flag icon. You can click through any of the reports to view your activations and sales prior to August 2022.

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