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How to change the number of bags or luggage?
How to change the number of bags or luggage?
Zara Lobrin avatar
Written by Zara Lobrin
Updated over a week ago

If you need to adjust the number of bags for your existing luggage reservation, you may follow these easy steps to adjust the number of bags.

To change the number of bags or luggage, follow the steps below:

  1. Access Your Booking Details: Navigate to the "Bookings" section in your account and select the "My Reservation".

  2. Initiate Changes: Click on "View Details" for the specific booking.

  3. Update Bag Count: Enter the new number of bags you wish to store during your reservation.

  4. Confirm and Pay: Review the changes and proceed to confirm the updated reservation by making any necessary payment adjustments.

Note: Your reservation details, including the number of bags, will automatically update. You can find the bag count listed alongside the check-in and check-out times within your booking information. Please remember that the QR code or PIN used for luggage check-in remains unchanged.

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