Can I change my booked location?
Ivy avatar
Written by Ivy
Updated over a week ago

Once a location has been booked, you will not be able to change locations directly. However, we offer solutions depending on your plan type.

For Subscriptions:

You have the option to cancel your current booking and rebook your desired location. Simply reach out to our support team, and they will assist you in processing a refund if you haven't used the location yet.

For Pay-As-You-Go:

If you're on a pay-as-you-go plan, cancellations are not available. Nevertheless, you can already rebook your desired location. Similarly, if you haven't utilized the original location yet, please reach out to our support team so they can help arrange a refund for you.

We understand that plans may change, and we're here to accommodate your needs to the best of our ability. Feel free to get in touch with us if you require any assistance regarding your booking or location changes.

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