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Can I store my items for a week or a month?
Can I store my items for a week or a month?
Zara Lobrin avatar
Written by Zara Lobrin
Updated over a week ago

Yes, you can input your booking details just as you would for a single-day booking. And for your convenience, our long-term storage options are available for ten days or more.

As a special offer, Bounce is thrilled to provide a substantial 10% discount on all long-term storage bookings, adding even more value to your experience.

To take advantage of this discount, use the code BOUNCEBEYOND when you book your storage.

By booking with Bounce, you can focus on exploring new destinations, attending important meetings, or simply enjoying your trip without the hassle of managing your luggage.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, our support team is available 24/7. You can contact us at or via our live chat.

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