Here are the Meet Registrations Guides for Track Season!
Create a New Event - Creating a New Event
Copy a Previous Event (Make sure to go back a school year before copying) - Athletic Administrators: How to Copy Over a Schedule | Bound Help Center (
Create a New Registration - How to Setup Meet Registrations | Bound Help Center (
Copy a Previous Registration - Copying Past Meet Registration Settings | Bound Help Center (
Connecting Registration to an Event - Connecting Meet Registrations to a Meet | Bound Help Center (
Getting Ready for the Meet (Checking on Entries) - View Registrations
Compose Posts - POSTS
Importing Entries into Hytek - Importing Bound Meet Registration Data Into Hytek | Bound Help Center (
Importing Meet Results Back into Bound - Importing Hytek Meet Results Data Into Bound | Bound Help Center
If you invite out of state teams to an event- You can schedule them just like other schools, just select the state and the association and you will be able to add that out of state school to that competition.
If you need further assistance, please reach out to support using the Bound B.