Table of contents:
We've put together a short guide to help you with this particular tool in breathe.
You can find your cancelled leave report in the absence reports section as shown below...
The report displays the employees name, department, division, start and end date of the leave, the type of holiday and the reason for the cancellation.ย
(Please note - if the employee cancels their own leave before it has been approved, it will not show in the Cancelled Leave Report)
Below is a few explanations for the fields within the cancellation report:
Request Date - This is the date that the holiday was originally requested on
Approved by - This is the person that approved the cancellation
Approved on - This is the date that the cancellation was approved on
Tip: If you're looking to view a particular part of the report, you can filter by department, division, location and date. You can also download/export this to Excel should you need to.
We hope this helps! If you have any queries about this feature please do not hesitate to contact our support team.