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Integration with RotaCloud

How to integrate your Breathe account with Rotacloud

Russell avatar
Written by Russell
Updated today

This is an all you need to know about the integration between Breathe and RotaCloud, which is a software you can use to help you manage rotas. It will go through setting up the integration and what information pulls across to RotaCloud.

What is RotaCloud?

RotaCloud is a separate software to Breathe that you can use to manage your staff's rotas. breathe integrates with RotaCloud and this allows any of your information in breathe like holiday to pull through to RotaCloud to help you rota your staff.

Please note that only the Admin on the account will be able to enable the integration.

Also if you have been logging holiday in RotaCloud this will be overwritten by the holiday in Breathe when you sync the 2 systems. Please ensure that any holiday you want to keep a record of is in Breathe.

How to integrate the systems:

Step 1 - Create your Rotacloud API key

In RotaCloud, go to Settings > API keys > click blue + to add > name your API (breatheHR) > create.

Step 2 – Enable the breatheHR API

Go to Configure > Settings > API setup > enable API.

Step 3 - Link the systems

In breathe, go to Configure > Settings > RotaCloud > enter RotaCloud API key > Update key > Enable. Your screen should look like this:

Then, in Rotacloud, go to the Settings > Integrations > breatheHR > link accounts > enter our production API key > link accounts...

All breathe employee information should pull through to your RotaCloud account.

If there are any issues with pulling the data across into RotaCloud, you should disable and then re-enable the API key in breathe under Integrations.

Managing the systems

What should I do in breathe and what should I do in Rotacloud?

You should manage your rota shifts, the creation and allocation of RotaCloud locations and roles within RotaCloud itself.

All other functions (e.g. holiday management) should be performed in breathe.

Please note - the integration has been built to ignore all other functionalities within RotaCloud and so no other data entered into RotaCloud will pull through to your breathe account.

Managing leave

When approving leave requests in breathe, the system will display all other leave requests and rotas surrounding the dates of the new request, so other leave can be considered by the approver before a decision is made.

Excluding employees from Rotacloud

If need be, employees can be excluded from RotaCloud by going into the employee’s profile in breathe > more > permissions > tick ‘exclude from RotaCloud’:

Other Useful Information:

  • It is possible to bulk delete employees from the RotaCloud system. However, you will not be able to delete out the admin user.

  • You will not be able to delete your breathe account unless the RotaCloud integration is disabled.

  • When you delete an employee in Breathe or mark them as an Ex-employee, this will not remove them from RotaCloud.  To do this you will need to disable the integration in RotaCloud and delete the relevant employees.

Here is a definitive list of data that will go across to your Rotacloud account:


level (if admin)
roles (if they have any rotacloud roles and the employee has any)
locations (if they have any rotacloud locations and the employee has any)

*this will only pull across if "ignore working pattern" is ticked.

Find out more about RotaCloud below:

Interested in finding out which other products we integrate with? Click below to find out more:

And if you'd like more information on the Breathe API in general, head over to our guide:

If you have any questions at all on this process, please don't hesitate to contact Breathe's Support team.

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