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Keep track of projects your company is working on and log time and expenses against them.

Russell avatar
Written by Russell
Updated over a week ago

Projects are way of keeping track of anything you are working on at your company. You can also add expenses and time logs to a project, so you can see how much time and money you are spending on a particular project.

To set your company projects go to Company > Projects

Please note: The view Projects in the Company menu you are required to turn on Time-logs in your included modules area by navigating to Configure > Settings > Modules > included modules

To add a new company project click + and complete the form.

You will also have an option within expenses and time logs for your employees to log them next to the projects they are working on.

You can monitor these records under Company > Projects ย and going into a project record. This will give you a break down of all expenses and time logs attached to that project

Linking projects to Time sheets in the Rota, Time and Attendance add-on module

You can link the projects you create in Breathe to a timesheet created in our Rota module by selecting the project from the project field in the Rota add-on module and selecting the project name from the drop-down list...


Which users can view/create projects?

HR users will be able to view and assign projects. Please note, you will need to switch on the time logs module to see projects.

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