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Company Goals

Create company goals so you can track and hit those targets

Russell avatar
Written by Russell
Updated over 3 months ago

This article will go through how you can record your company's goals that you are currently working towards. You can also link company goals to time logs, expenses and objectives.

HR users can set up company goals under the Company tab > Goals. 

Click the + button and you can add a company goal. 

Enter a title, a description, a target date, is it new/ongoing, or have you already reached this goal? 

Click 'add company goal' once you are finished.

So how can I use company goals?

Creating a company goal, allows line managers and employees to link their set objectives to this company goal. 

Within the company goals section, you view a goal it will show you any objectives that are linked to it.

If you want to you can view the company goal in PDF format or another format to export it then use these icons

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