This article will show you how to update someone's status to reflect that they are leaving and how to work out their remaining holiday before their leave date.
To mark an individual as 'leaving', go to their Profile > Edit (pencil icon) > Person Status
When you mark someone as leaving, Breathe will generate an email to the HR user informing them what will happen when your pending leaver hits their leaving date.
At the point of leaving, Breathe will automatically close all the salary records, benefits and job records.
If they are a line manager or holiday approver for employees, they will be removed and you will be asked to reassign users so no one is left reporting to someone that no longer works at the organisation.
It will stop their access to Breathe and mark them as an ex-employee. However you can still view their profile from the list found under People > Our People.
It will also give you a suggestion as to what the pro-rata holiday should be. Although please note that this is just a suggestion, and doesn't take into account any company policies you may have.
How does Breathe calculate the leave?
It takes your holiday year start date
The individual's leave dateย
Works out how many days since the start of the holiday year and their leave date
The individual's holiday allowance for the year +/- any adjustments
Calculation=(days since start of holiday year/365 days of the year) * holiday allowance
Will Breathe adjust the person's leave automatically?
No, you will need to make a manual adjustment on the users profile based on the information you have received via the email or using our Holiday Calculator.
Below is a great blog regarding leavers that we think you will enjoy...