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Flexible Working Requests

Adding flexible working arrangement requests to your people's profiles

Russell avatar
Written by Russell
Updated over 7 months ago

This guide is for Admin and HR users and Line Managers.

A great new feature that allows you to add flexible working requests to your peoples profiles.

What is a Flexible Working Request and how does it work?

Flexible working is a way of working that suits an employee’s needs. For example, offering flexible start and finish times, compressed hours, hybrid working and more.

Flexible working requests must be made in writing, therefore they cannot be requested by your people themselves from their dashboard, however, Admin, HR and Line Managers (if permissions are given in your permissions and approvals settings) can add the request to their people's profiles.

Enabling Flexible Working Requests?

The flexible working request feature must first be enabled. This feature is available as an included module for all breathe plan sizes.

The feature is enabled by default in your Breathe account. However, you have the flexibility to turn it on or off. Here's how:

Navigate to Configure > Settings > Modules > Included modules and ensure the 'flexible working requests' module is ticked.

How do you add a Flexible working request for your people?

Your can create flexible working requests for your people by navigating to More Tab > Flexible working requests

Once submitted the request will send an email notification to the employee to let them know the request has been added. The HR user or Line Manager can then approve the request.

The request will also appear on HR users dashboard in the To review and approve area, as displayed below...

Reporting on Flexible working requests

You can report on your peoples flexible working requests by navigating to Reports > People Records > Flexible working requests.

Setting up new flexible working request types

Navigate to your picklists menu to set up new flexible working request types and rejection reasons. Configure > Settings > Picklists > Details

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