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Get started with Keyword suggestions
Get started with Keyword suggestions

Get suggestions on what positive and negative keywords to add to your account.

Written by Pontus Wiehager
Updated over 9 months ago

Plan availability

The Keyword Suggestion tool is available for all plans.

BrightBid Keyword suggestions tool will monitor your Search terms report for you, identifying which search terms you should add as negative, positive or paus. In this article you get to know how to enable and use BrightBid’s Keyword Suggestion tool.

In this article, we cover:

  • Enabling Keyword Suggestions

  • Accept or reject on Keyword Suggestions

  • Enabling Keyword Autopilot

  • What triggers positive or negative suggestions?

Enabling Keyword Suggestions

Keyword suggestions can be enabled on Campaign or Ad group level, you need to enable the Suggestions on each Campaign or Ad group to get start generating Suggestions. Follow the steps to enable Keyword Suggestions:

How to enable suggestions

  1. Use the left Site menu, click Search Ads and then Keyword Suggestions

  2. Click the Settings link, top right corner of the page.

  3. Choose which Campaigns to enable the KW Suggestions on.
    We recommend you Enable KW Suggestions on active Search campaigns, disable it for Brand search campaigns and DSA campaigns.

  4. Your all set! Your first suggestions will be generated within one hour!

Accept, Reject or Edit keyword suggestions

Your account will get new Keyword suggestions weekly on Mondays. Go to the Keyword suggestion tool to see all new suggestions and go over them one by one.

How to Accept, Reject or Edit Keyword suggestions

  1. Go to Keyword suggestions page

  2. Select one or multiple suggestions from the list

  3. Use the action bar to Edit, Reject or Accept the suggestions selected

    1. Use Edit option if you want to edit the keywords before you Accept the suggestions and push updates to your Google Ads account.

    2. Use Reject if you don't think the suggestions are good - they will then be removed from the suggestions and

    3. Use Accept to push the suggestions to Google Ads.

Enabling Keyword Autopilot

If you want BrightBid to accept all suggestions you can enable Autopilot, this means the keyword changes are pushed automatically to your Google Ads account.

How to enable Keyword Autopilot

  1. Go to Keyword suggestions page

  2. Click the Settings link, top right corner of the page.

  3. Choose which Campaigns to enable the KW Autpilot on.

  4. If you want to only approve positive or Negative suggestions, this can be done from the settings page as well.

    E.g if you choose to only run positive suggestions on Autopilot. All positive keywords will automatically be pushed to Google Ads, all negative suggestions will still appear under suggestions tab.

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