1st Step: Regularise a negative down payment (a customer debt).
In the search bar, search for the customer to regularise > Click on "Adjust Balance".
Write the amount of money the client has paid you and click on "Next". You can also choose not to generate an invoice if necessary.
Then select a payment method and date > Finally, click on "Confirm Payment" to finalise the process. You can also add any necessary comment in the note section.
For payment by credit card, go to the following page: https://intercom.help/bsport-helpcenter/fr/articles/3447782
2nd Step: Set up online regularisation by the student.
If you want the member to be able to regularisee his debt alone online, you can set this up by following the form: https://intercom.help/bsport-helpcenter/fr/articles/4185305