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Saving CC/SEPA payment methods
Change the email of a member account
Delete my account
Track member activity on their profile
Create your bsport password (as a member)
Add notes for your students
Archive a member
Link a coupon to the tags owned by the students
Create a member's account
Add a document for a member
Add a payment method for a member
Managing a member
Edit a member's password
Delete your payment method
How to adjust a client's balance
Ask for the sanitary pass status of your members
Merge duplicated member accounts
Unsubscribe a student from communications' sending
Would you like your account back?
Delete the payment method of a member
Regularize a student's deposit
Create a subscription after the 1st reservation
Cashout a customer's internal account
Search for members on the backoffice from your phone
How to change a member's email
How to change your password (member side)
How to make your subscriptions start in the past?
Deactivate automatic renewal for a subscription
How to send a direct payment link to your members to pay bills
Refunding a receipt after a balance adjustment made by card or IBAN
How to allow your members to use their balance to pay for their purchases and outstanding invoices.
Billing a student
Bill a product from your shop to a member
Cash in on a scheduled payment
Disable automatic payment of a subscription
Add a personalized footer on your invoices
Get an invoice in PDF format
Billing your subscriptions
Refund a paid invoice without canceling the transaction (in credit)
Changing the payment method for a subscription
Cancel an invoice
Refund after online payment
Restarting a membership and adding a payment method
Edit the product of a subscription
Credit a client's account without an associated payment
Use a member's credit account balance to pay for a purchase
Non-recurring subscription
Adding a down payment following a cash inflow
Bill a member for free
How to create a disputed charge on a member's account following a payment dispute
Creating payments in the future
Payment by credit card
How to process an unpaid invoice as paid via a manual payment
How to schedule the closure of a subscription