Forcing payment on the spot

This training course aims to show you how to force payment on the spot (but also have available online payments).

Kevin Bagayoko avatar
Written by Kevin Bagayoko
Updated over a week ago

The advantage of this option is that it requires your students to pay on-site rather than online. On site, they will have several possible means of payment: credit card, cash, cheque, bank transfer...

1st Step: Impose payment on the spot.

This option exists for appointment passes and webshop products.

  • In Products > Appointment pass > "Add a pass" or "Modify a pass" > Choose only the payment method: "Internal account (credit)".

  • In Products > Shop > "Add a new product" or "Modify a product" > Choose only the payment method: "Internal account (credit)".

This way the product will only be available to be paid on the spot but the purchase will still be available online.

2nd Step: Encourage payment on the spot.

For group session passes, this option is not available, however, you can offer your customers to pay on the spot. To do so :

In Products > Passes > "Modify a pass" or "Create a pass" > In Restrictions select: "On-site payment available".

3rd Step: Regularize the customer account on the spot.

In the search bar, search for the member you want to pay. Once on his pass, click on "Adjust balance".

Then, indicate if you wish to add (to charge them) an amount or deduct it (used for refunds and positive balance amount), the amount, and if you wish to generate an invoice for the payment, then click on "next". After, indicate the Payment method > Click on "Confirm Payment

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