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Refund a pass billed with other products without cancelling the overall billing
Refund a pass billed with other products without cancelling the overall billing

This article will help you refund a pass billed with other products without cancelling everything.

Kevin Bagayoko avatar
Written by Kevin Bagayoko
Updated over a week ago

1stp step: Refund a credit.

Search for the student account in the search bar > Click on the tab "Pass".

Click on the pass to refund > Click on "Transform in credit".

Indicate the amount to refund in a deposit form and add a note > Save.

⚠️ This manipulation is irreversible and creates a bill.

A deposit of +20€ is now available on the student's account.

You can now choose to bill a new pass or appointment OR cash out the money to give the money directly to the student.

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