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How to make your subscriptions start in the past?
How to make your subscriptions start in the past?

With this article, learn how to bill your subscriptions to a past date

Sam avatar
Written by Sam
Updated over a week ago

Only from the backoffice, you have the possibility as a manager to start the date of a subscription in the past.

This is useful if you want to start all your subscriptions on the 1st of the month or if you have just migrated and you want to reconstitute the history of the subscription you had on your other software.

Step 1: Subscribe the member to a subscription

In the member's profile click on Subscribe and select the desired subscription

(You can also bill directly from the billing details in Products > Subscriptions)

Step 2: Select a start date of date in the past

In the corresponding field, select a start date in the past

A confirmation modal will appear indicating that you are creating past invoices

Step 3: Choose the payment method

After choosing a date in the past, a new section Payment of past invoices will appear.

In this section, you must choose the payment method you wish to use to pay past invoices.

You have two options:

Debit to registered payment method >> the past invoices haven't been paid and will be charged

The same payment method linked to the subscription will be used to pay past invoices.

This means, if you choose to pay by credit card, SEPA or customer deposit, all past invoices will be debited to that payment method at the same time (payments are made daily at 10am).

⚠️ In this case make sure that your member will be able to pay all past invoices at once. The earlier the subscription starts in the past, the higher the amount to be paid at once may be.

Manual Payment >> the past invoices have been paid and won't be charged

Past invoices will be registered as paid in manual payment, so no online payment will be made.

Online payment will only be made for future invoices, and will correspond to the payment method you have selected.

This payment method is useful in case your member has already paid past invoices and you do not want to charge them a second time.

Step 4: Confirm Payment

If you have chosen a billing date in a past month, a confirmation modal will appear when you try to confirm the payment. To confirm the action, enter the value displayed on the modal. It corresponds to the amount that will be billed to your member in one go.

This modal is a security feature to avoid involuntary billing.

After confirmation of payment, all your invoices included in the subscription will be created and will start on the defined date.

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