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Spivi integration

In this article, learn how our Spivi integration allows your members to track their performances during spinning sessions.

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Written by Branded App
Updated over a year ago

This article will guide you through the process of activating the Spivi integration upsell. It will also explain what to expect once the integration is activated.

Step 0: Contact us

Reach out to our client support team via Intercom, or by clicking on the button in Settings > Subscription > Spivi. If you're reading this article, this step is probably already done.

Step 1: Create a Spivi account for your studio

Step 2: Configure your Spivi account

Add the bsport account as Admin of your Spivi account. On Spivi, go to My Studio > Manage Admin.

Click on "Add admin".

Enter the following email:

Our client support team will manually accept the request.

Step 3: Retrieve your Spivi information

Still on your Spivi account, in My Studio > Developers > API for developers, retrieve the Site ID and Box ID.

Share your Site ID with client support so that the upsell can be activated, and store the Box ID so it can be used in the next step.

Step 4: Create or update your room plans

Once the integration is activated, the room plan editor will feature a "Spivi integration" field. If you want a room plan to be used with Spivi, fill in the field with your Box ID.

The layout of the plan on the Backoffice must be the same as the room plan on Spivi.

On Spivi, you can set up your room plan by going to My Studio > Set Studio Layout. Each spot has an ID. To make sure the IDs match between both room plans, we provide a tool.

On the page of the establishment, you can display a room plan without editing it:

It will open a pop-up in which the correspondence between bsport spots and Spivi spots will be shown, ensuring there are no mistakes.

The same information can be accessed directly from the room plan editor once a Box ID has been filled, by clicking on the "Spivi" button.

This feature is especially useful if you use different types of spots in your room:

Step 5: Create sessions

When creating your spinning sessions, the synchronisation with Spivi will be activated simply by selecting a room plan with a Box ID configured. In this case, a toggle “Send to Spivi” will appear in the settings of the session.

If the synchronisation is activated for a session, the session will be created on Spivi and any booking made on bsport will be added to the Spivi session. The synchronisation also takes care of updating the sessions and bookings when a session is edited, cancelled or restored.

Step 6: Create accounts for your members on Spivi

This step requires no action on your part. The first time a member books a session synchronised with Spivi, our system will create a Spivi account on their behalf using their email address, and link it to your studio's Spivi account.

When a new member is created, they receive an email to inform them. Using their email and the feature to reset their password, they can log in to their newly created Spivi account. As the email reminds them, they need to accept Spivi’s terms of use on their platform.

Teachers are also Spivi users, and will also receive an email the first time a session is created with them.

If the user is already registered on Spivi but in another club, we simply add the user to the studio’s Spivi account.

Step 7: Display live performance

During the indoor cycling session, each bicycle will be associated with the correct member as long as the room plan is set up correctly. Spivi will therefore be able to track the performance of the member.

If there is a real-time display of your member's performance, each member can decide to remove their consent to this display. On the bsport member profile, this is controlled by the setting Display my data in real-time in the section Spinning data. It is activated by default, but can be modified by the manager on the Backoffice or by the member on their member profile or on their App.

Step 8: Send a performance summary

This step requires no action on your part. 30 minutes after a session, we retrieve from Spivi the performance data of the members and send a transactional email to the members to provide them with a performance summary. Note that deactivating the setting "Display my data in real-time" does not stop this email from being sent.

Step 9: Customize the emails

We provide 3 default email templates related to Spivi. To customize them to your liking, those templates can be edited like any other transactional notification. Follow this Help Sheet.

The email to provide a performance summary after each session can be found in Settings > Transactional notifications > Performance > Spinning session performance.

For this email, variables specific to Spivi performance tracking are used: you can find all 12 of them in the Performance category of variables/tags in the template editor:

The 2 emails to notify a member or a teacher that a Spivi account was created on their behalf can be found in Settings > Transactional notifications > Member registration > Spivi account created (for members) & Spivi account created (for teachers).

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