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Get started with Audience
Get started with Audience

In this article, you'll learn how to use Audience to create and manage your workflows.

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Written by Branded App
Updated over a month ago

Audience is a powerful tool designed to revolutionize your marketing strategy. Focused on orchestrating a series of targeted and tailored communications, this tool enables you to engage and retain your members like never before. Create personalized workflows with distinct branches to track and influence your customer journeys through impactful marketing campaigns.

This tool is an upsell and must be added to your Bsport plan by your account manager. Please do not hesitate to contact our customer service if you would like more information about Audience

Building a workflow

To create you first workflow, click on "Add workflow" on the main page

Then name the workflow in accordance with your objective with the workflow.

Each workflow that you create must correspond to an objectif towards which you want to lead your members. Examples of objectives can be :

  • encourage your members with an open basket to complete their purchase

  • motivate your new members to become permanent members through special offers

  • get your inactive members to come back

Then choose if you want to authorize your members to enter and exit the workflow several time. If activated and if the order of prioritization of the workflow allows it (see launch several workflows at the same time below), a member that exits the workflow will re enter it if they still match the entry criteria.

This setting can be activated for workflows with objectives like finalizing an unpaid basket for example.

Then click on Create

Before continuing the creation process, please check the information about the concept of triggers below. You can then continue with the configuration of you workflow

Understanding triggers

Triggers are the central element of workflows: they define how a member enters, moves within and exits a workflow. There are 4 types of triggers: events, smartlists, the combination of an event and a smartlist, and deadlines.


Events are divided into 5 sub-sections:


  1. Pass

  2. Appointment pass

  3. Shop item

  4. Gift card

The event will be triggered for a single purchase but also if the object is contained inside a subscription or a pack. For passes and appointment passes, it is also triggered if a universal pass is purchased.

For purchase events, you can decide precisely which object is going to trigger the event. You can follow this helpsheet to learn how to do so.


  1. Group activities

  2. Attendance at group activities (each time the attendance status is updated. It does not matter if the status is Present or Absent. It does not trigger when the default attendance status is assigned upon the member's booking)

  3. Appointments

  4. Cancellation of appointment (either from the Member’s side or from the Backoffice)


  1. Add a product to the basket (including the first product added to the basket, and therefore the creation of a basket, and/or the addition of a product to an existing basket)

  2. Paid basket


  1. Invoice created


  1. Creation

  2. Pause

  3. Stop

  4. Renewal

Only for the "creation" event you can indicate precisely which subscription is going to trigger the event by following our helpsheet.


Being in a Smartlist. Smartlists are very powerful marketing tools, so exploring this option unlocks vast possibilities. See our article on how to create a smartlist.

Note that you cannot delete a smartlist used in a workflow, but you can modify it.

Event & smartlist

The combination of an event and presence in a smartlist. The member will have to meet both conditions at the same time to be moved to the next step.


A number of days after which the following action will be triggered.

Configuration of a workflow

Step 1 : Define the criteria for members to enter the workflow

The first step is to define the entry triggers for the workflow. Note that you can select up to 5 entry triggers, from the following 3 possibilities: events, smartlists, or a combination of an event and a smartlist. If a member matches one of these criteria, they will enter the workflow.

Step 2 : Define the marketing actions related to the member's entry into the workflow

When a member meets the conditions and enters the workflow, you can choose to send them various marketing communications. Note that this step is optional.

5 marketing actions are available:

  • Email

  • Template Email

  • SMS (unavailable for the moment, but will require SMS upsell to be activated)

  • Push notification (only available if upsell is active)

  • Tag

The first four actions will send a message to all members who enter the workflow, and require you to write the message that will be sent. In the case of the email template, you do not write the email, but instead, select an existing email template (see our help sheet about email templates). You can also create a new email template and then click on the "Refresh" button to select it.

Note that only variables linked to the member or company can be used with these communication methods (see our help sheet about variables).

The 5th action is Tag, which is, assigning a tag to a member. The tag must have already been defined in the Tag section (see our help sheet about tag management).

You can define at most 5 marketing actions for each step, that is, 1 of each type. Marketing actions are optional, you can have a step without any of them.

Step 3: Define the criteria for members to exit the workflow

At this stage you need to define the triggers for the member to exit the workflow. The exits can be either

  • Successful: meaning the member has reached the objective of the workflow and will stop receiving the communications encouraging them toward the workflow goal

  • Unsuccessful: meaning that the member was too slow in reaching the objective of the workflow or performed an action that is opposite to this objective. The objective of the workflow is then considered as unreachable and the member will exit the workflow.

This distinction between a successful or unsuccessful exits will help you analysing the performance metrics of your workflow. See more information about performance metrics below.

If a member meets one of these criteria you defined for the successful or unsuccessful exit, they will be removed from the workflow, regardless of the step they are in, and will stop receiving marketing communications related to the workflow.

Step 3.1: Define triggers for the member to exit successfully

As for the input conditions, you can select one or more exit criteria from the following triggers: events, smartlists and the combination of an event and a smartlist. Up to 5 triggers can be defined, and as soon as the member matches one of these conditions, they will exit the workflow. The exit will then be considered as successful and the member will no longer receive the following marketing communications

Step 3.2: Define triggers for the member to exit unsuccessfully

The criteria for an unsuccessful exit can be selected from the following triggers: events, smartlists and the combination of an event and a smartlist. Up to 5 triggers can be defined.

The conditions for considering a member as exiting unsuccessfully also include a delay condition, defined as a number of days after which the member will be automatically removed from the workflow.

As soon as the member matches one of the triggers or exceeds the deadline, the objective is considered not reached and they will be removed from the workflow. The exit will then be considered as unsuccessful and the member will no longer receive the rest of the marketing communications

Step 4: Configuring the different steps of the workflow

Once the workflow entry and exit conditions have been defined, you can build the various stages of the member's journey

Step 4.1: Add a first trigger

To add a trigger, click on the "+" button to the right of the Input block. You can then define the action that will trigger the member to move to the next step. For each trigger block, you can choose between the 4 possibilities mentioned above: events, smartlists, the combination of an event and a smartlist, and delays.

Once the trigger has been selected, a step will automatically be created to link marketing communications to it.

Step 4.2: Add a step and associate marketing actions with it

Once the step has been created, you can first rename it (the default name being Autostep) and then add marketing actions linked with the step by clicking on "Add an action".

You can then select one or more marketing actions from the 5 possibilities described above

Step 4.3: Create a relational graph of triggers and steps

Define an alternation of triggers and steps to create branches and link them together:

  • A trigger is always followed by a step.

  • After each step, you can create as many triggers as you need. This is equivalent to applying an OR condition between triggers. If a member corresponds to several triggers, they will follow the path of the last trigger created.

  • Two steps can be manually linked by a trigger. To do this, click on the dot next to the "Add a trigger" button. Your mouse will turn into a cross when you are in the right place.
    Then move your mouse to the target step, to the point above it, and release the mouse when it changes back to a cross.

    Then select the trigger that will allow you to move from one step to the other and click "Next" to confirm: the 2 step are now linked by a trigger.

  • Once created, any step can be moved, modified or deleted.

  • Once created, a trigger followed by a step block cannot be deleted, unless the step is also preceded by at least one other trigger.

    If you delete a trigger, you only delete the trigger block, but if you delete a step, you also delete the triggers that precede and follow it.

Step 4.4: End the relational graph with an exit block

  • A trigger can be linked to a special exit, in order to create exits different from the general exit rules mentioned above. To do this, convert any step into an exit by clicking on the menu located on the step.

    Then select whether this exit should be considered as successful or unsuccessful

    Any member reaching this block will exit the workflow. Note that if you transform a step into an exit, the trigger that follows it will be deleted if it exists.

This step is optional: if the steps (all or some of them) of the graph are not linked to a specific exit, the loop will normally be processed, and only the general exits will be taken into account as exits.

⚠️ However, all the paths in the relational graph must be connected to the entry. If you have a step without a trigger, or a closed loop of steps and triggers that are not connected to the entry, members will continue on their way according to the following rules:

  • step alone : the member does not move again unless they exit the workflow via a general exit.

  • step/triggers loop: the member will continue to move in this detached part until the last step in which they will remain or through which they will exit if it is a special exit block. At any time and at any step, even the last, the member can exit via a general exit.

Step 5: Modify and adapt the workflow steps

Step 5.1: Modify the entry and exit criteria

If necessary, you can modify the conditions and marketing actions defined for the workflow entry by clicking on the triggers and actions again. The form will then open, allowing you to delete, add or modify the triggers and marketing actions.

Equally, you can edit the general exit conditions by clicking again on the defined triggers. The form for the rule considering the exit as successful or unsuccessful will then open, allowing you to delete, add, or modify the triggers.

If one of the exit triggers is modified:

  • if the trigger is a smartlist, the members corresponding to the new trigger will leave the workflow the next time it is executed.

  • if the trigger is an event, the members will leave the workflow the next time they perform this action. This is because events cannot be saved when the workflow is paused. To find out more about pauses, click here

Step 5.2: Modify a trigger within the workflow

For each trigger, you can modify the type of trigger used (event vs smartlist, for example), or modify the trigger itself (the number of days in the delay, for example).

To change the type of trigger, click on the "convert to" button to display the list of available triggers. You can then select the new trigger type you wish to use and the trigger itself, and save. The type of trigger and the trigger itself will be updated automatically.

If you want to keep the same type of trigger but edit the trigger itself, you can click on the trigger block to display the corresponding form. You can then edit the trigger and save. The update will be automatic.

Step 5.3: Modify the marketing actions of a step within the workflow

For each step, you can define whether or not marketing actions will follow the trigger. If you wish to modify the content of a defined action or delete it, click on the marketing action in question in the step block. The edit form will appear, allowing you to edit the content directly and save your changes, or delete the action.

If you wish to add a new marketing action to the step, click on Add an action to display the list of remaining possibilities. You can define a maximum of 5 marketing actions at each step, i.e. one of each type.

Step 6: Execute the workflow

Step 6.1: Launch the workflow

Once your workflow is ready, exit edit mode and click "Launch". Your workflow is now active and can no longer be edited without first being paused. To find out more about pausing your workflow, click here.

Actions are processed every hour. The system examines all the events and smartlists that have taken place during the previous hour and processes all the outputs, inputs, triggers and marketing actions, in the order mentioned.

Each member can only be moved one step at a time.

  • If two consecutive triggers have been executed during the previous hour, the first is processed and the member moves on to the next step. The second trigger will be considered the next time the workflow is run, and the member will move on to the second step.

  • The Entry block is an exception: a member can enter a workflow (trigger 1 completed) and immediately move on to the next step (trigger 2 completed). In this case, the marketing actions of the Entry block and the step are carried out.

  • If there are several triggers after a step and a member has met the conditions for more than one trigger, they will be moved via the trigger that leads to the last exit created, if any, or the last step created.

Step 6.2: View your members' movements

Once your workflow is active, you can view the number of members present at each step of the workflow. A chip indicating the number of members will be displayed automatically when your workflow is launched.

Step 6.3: Pause and edit a workflow

If you wish to modify the steps or communications in an active workflow, you must first pause the workflow by clicking on Pause then Edit.

When a workflow is paused and/or in edit mode,

  • "event" triggers cannot be listened to and be counted once the workflow is active again.

  • However, smartlists can be listened to if the member enters a smartlist and is still part of it once the workflow has been reactivated. The member will then be moved to the next step when the workflow is reactivated.

  • If you delete a step, the members who were in that step will go back to the step they were in previously, following the same path backward.

  • All blocks (triggers, steps and input/exit blocks) can be modified

Step 7: Execute several workflows

You can run several workflows simultaneously. Workflows are listed in order of priority according to the following prioritization rules:

  • If a member matches the entry criteria for several workflows, they will enter the first workflow in the list. You can drag and drop each workflow to order them as you wish and change the order of priority.

  • A member can enter the same workflow several times if you have enabled this option in the workflow parameters. Each time a member matches the entry criteria, they will re-enter the workflow. Unless the member is already present in the same workflow, in another active workflow, or also matches the entry criteria of another workflow that has priority in the list.

  • A member cannot enter several active workflows at the same time. If they meet the entry criteria for a second workflow, they must first exit the first workflow before they can enter the second.

  • However, if a workflow is paused, a member present the paused workflow can enter another active workflow if they meet the entry criteria. A member can thus be in two workflows at the same time, even if the paused workflow is reactivated later.

Step 8: Archive a workflow

If you no longer wish to use a workflow, you can archive it by clicking on the bin icon to the right of the workflow. When a workflow is archived, it is paused and all members are automatically removed.

You can find and retrieve your archived workflows in the "Archived workflows" section. Once retrieved, workflows are paused by default.

Step 9: Performance metrics

Once the workflows are running, you can check several performance metrics to help you analyze members' movements and the efficiency of the workflows.

Workflow's metrics

On the date range that you've selected, you can view :

How many members have entered the workflow during this time range

What is the percentage of members that exited successfully among all members that have exited the workflow during the selected period. To note here that we consider all members, including the members that have entered the workflow before the selected period.

How many days on average are needed for a member to exit successfully during the selected period, meaning how many days are necessary to take your members toward the workflow's objective. To note here that we consider all members, including the members that have entered the workflow before the selected period.

How many tags have been applied to members inside the workflow during the selected period.

The number of communications that were sent to your members during the selected period. The number of emails sent takes into account the template emails and the emails that you have written directly in Audience.

Members' presence and history

In the two tabs, you will see information about the status of your members inside the workflow, from the first time it was launched to the current date.

How many members are currently in the workflow, as well as their entry date and the step they are currently in. You can search for a particular member by using the search bar.

How many members exited the workflow, as well as their entry and exit date. The last column indicated if the exit was considered successful or not, and so if the member has reached the workflow's objective or not. You can search for a particular member by using the search bar.

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