We've partnered with Onsi (formerly Collective Benefits) to offer Super Sitters exclusive discounts and perks. To make use of this, you just need to do 5 or more sits in one calendar month, at which point you'll become a Super Sitter for all of the following month!
We recognise all the fantastic work that sitters do and are always looking into ways to reward you for your continued use of Bubble — this is just the beginning.
Through Super Sitter Rewards, you get:
Access to exclusive discounts from top retailers including Apple, Samsung and Halfords
Savings on household essentials, from fuel to food
And just to be clear — these benefits are totally free to you.
Super Sitter Rewards are renewed on the first working day of the month — you will have access to these benefits if you are a Super Sitter in the current month and if you were a Super Sitter last month, just so your rewards last that bit longer!
If you're newly eligible to claim these rewards, you'll receive an email from Onsi, through which you can sign up with them. You'll then be able to access your benefits through the main menu of your app.
We hope you make use of these rewards — go treat yourself.