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How to Add Hourly Pay Rates

Step-by-step instructions covering how to add, edit or view hourly pay details from the Buddy Punch website.

Rachel avatar
Written by Rachel
Updated over 4 months ago

Overview: Set up hourly pay rates for employees to calculate estimated pay seamlessly. Pay rates can be customized and linked to specific locations, departments, or positions for accurate tracking.

Important: Estimated pay is currently visible only through our website and not via the app. Users can conveniently view this information using a mobile web browser.


Pay Rate Settings

1. To adjust your global pay rate settings, click Settings in the top navigation followed by Pay Rates:

2. On the pay rate page, you will find the following options:

  • Display pay rates on Time Cards. When enabled, you'll see an estimated pay column displayed on employee Time Cards. We take the employee's pay rate times the number of hours worked to determine their estimated pay.

  • Display pay rates on Reports. When enabled, you will see estimated pay on the Hours Report by Location/Department/Position/Time Off, Hours Summary, Daily Hours, In/Out Activity, Time Card, and Payroll Export Reports.

  • Allow Employees to view their pay amounts. When enabled, employees will be able to view their estimated pay.

  • Allow managers to view pay rates for employees they have Time Approval permissions for. When enabled, a Manager that has Approval permissions over an employee will be able to view their pay rate information.

  • Export current rates. This option allows you to export a CSV file of all current pay rate information.

3. Be sure to Save any changes you make.

Add Hourly Pay Rates

1. To add pay rates, start by clicking Employees in the top navigation. On the employee page, click View next to the name of the employee you want to add the pay rate for:

2. Once in the employee profile, click Pay Rates from the left-hand menu:

3. At the Pay Rate section, click the +Add New button:

5. When adding a new pay rate, if you enter the reg (regular) pay rate first our system will automatically calculate the OT (overtime) and DBT (double time) pay.

Assign Locations/Departments/Positions with the pay rate if needed/available.

Finally, select the effective from date, which determines when the pay rate starts being applied to the employee time card:

6. Click Save once done.

Edit Hourly Pay Rates

1. To edit or update a pay rate, start by clicking Employees in the top navigation and then click View next to the name of the employee whose pay rate you need to edit/update:

2. Once in the employee profile, click Pay Rates from the left-hand menu:

3. At the Pay Rate section, you can Delete a pay rate or click Edit next to it to edit/update:

5. If you choose to Edit you'll need to enter the new Regular pay rate, and the OT/DBT will be automatically added. Select the effective date for the new pay rate and click Save once done:

6. If you need to delete an old pay rate, so the new one is effective, click the Delete button next to the old pay rate:

View Estimated Pay

You can view estimated pay a few different ways. You can view estimated pay directly on an employee's time card via the Est Pay column.

Click image to expand

Pay information is also available on several different reports we offer including:


Q: Why is the pay rate information not showing on my reports?

A: Typically, when the pay rate information is not showing on reports, this has to do with the effective date of the pay rate. Double-check the effective date for pay rates to ensure they're set up correctly.

Q: Where can I find the pay rate history that shows changes to pay rate information?

A: To view pay rate history, visit the Pay Rate section in the employee profile and select View History next to the pay rate in question.

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