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Setting up your Windows Desktop App
Setting up your Windows Desktop App

Step by Step guide to setting up your Windows desktop app

Ruby Watts avatar
Written by Ruby Watts
Updated over a week ago

Signing into the Desktop App

Now Cammy is installed, you can open your new desktop app.

  1. Double-click the Cammy icon on your desktop. Once the sign-in page appears, enter the email address and password used to create your Cammy account.

  2. Click "Sign In".

Desktop app Setup

When first signing in, you will be prompted to set up the basics of Cammy using our handy onboarding tool.

Camera Setup

To start the setup of your cameras, click "Add Cameras". This will take you to the camera setup screen. At this point you will need to ensure that any cameras you wish to connect to your system are either already connected to your network or, are connected to power and the router via ethernet, ready to be connected.

  1. Select "Add Camera"

  2. Find your camera on the list of visible cameras. If your camera is not appearing on the list, try "Refresh List". Please also check the camera is connected to power and the router via ethernet cable, if the camera is not already running with the network.

  3. Select "Add" next to your camera.

  4. Once you have selected the camera you wish to add, you will be asked to Name your Camera [A], Select a Camera Set [B] for your camera to belong to, [C] Enter the Username and Password for your camera and [D] choose the resolution for your camera.

    [A] Naming your camera should be based on the location of your camera to make viewing and exporting footage easier.

    [B] Camera Sets are used to group your cameras, this may be based on factors such as location or alarm requirements. See more about πŸ”— "Camera Sets" and how to use them.

    [C] Username and Passwords are normally allocated when setting up your camera for the first time. If the camera is already connected to the network, the username and password should automatically appear.

    [D] Camera resolution decides the quality of your camera stream. The higher the resolution, the better the quality.

  5. Once all boxes are completed. Click "Add Camera".

  6. Once the camera has been added successfully, you then have the option to [A] "Add Another Camera" or [B] "Finish" and then continue with the rest of the onboarding.


Now you have successfully added your cameras, you will be taken on a tour of your new desktop app. The tour will provide an overview of the features Cammy has to offer.

  1. To start the tour, click "Start Tour".

  2. Navigate your way through the tour by clicking [A] "Next". Each page will highlight and explain a feature by circling the area of interest [B].

Launching the Desktop App

Upon completing the camera setup and tour you can now launch your new desktop app. To do so, click "Launch" on the onboarding home screen.

πŸ’‘ If you prefer, you can skip all steps [A] or access our [B] Support Team via the Live Chat service.

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