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User guide for the Visitors tab

Ruby Watts avatar
Written by Ruby Watts
Updated over a week ago

Visitors Overview

Within the Visitors tab, you can review a history of visitor and device interaction events. You can also manage visitor profiles and allocate visitors to categories.

[A] Visitors

You can access the Visitors tab from anywhere in the app, by tapping the Visitors icon in the bottom navigation bar.

[B] Manage Visitors

Select "Manage" to manage new and known visitor identities, as well as manage visitor categories.

[C] New Visitors

New visitors are presented as cards in a carousel at the top of the page. Where there are no new visitors seen, the entire carousel is hidden. Select a visitor card to categorise a new visitor.

[D] Search

You may enter text to search for visitors, cameras, or devices.

[E] Visitor History

Visitor events are organised chronologically and are displayed in blocks representative of each day.

[F] Visitor Event

For each event that is recorded, you will see the event type as well as the time of the event. Select a row to see further information about the event.

[G] Filter

Easily filter your events to find specific incidents quicker.

[H] Live View

Access a full-screen, live view of your cameras in a convenient and customisable grid view, straight from the home tab.

[G] Visitor Card

Tapping a new visitor will display the visitor card. From here, the visitor may be categorised, named, or deleted completely. To edit more details, you can select the visitor image to view the visitor detail page.

Filter Visitor Events

You can filter your events based on date range, cameras, and categories. This speeds up the process of reviewing important incidents.

[A] Filter

To filter your events, tap the filter icon in the top left-hand corner of the Visitors tab.

[B] Date Filter

To filter your events by date, simply tap the "From" and "To" filters and then use the calendar to select your date ranges.

[C] Camera Filter

Choose which cameras to view events from by tapping and selecting certain cameras. Cameras will be grouped by Camera sets if you have cameras arranged into sets.

[D] Event Type

Select which event category types to show or not to show.

[E] Visitors

Select which event visitors to show or not to show.

[F] Apply Filter

Once you have added the filters you need, tap "Apply". The filtered events will then show in the visitor events history for you to review.

Manage Visitors

Within the manage area, you can edit known visitors and manage visitor categories.

[A] Search

You may enter text to search for visitors.

[B] See All New Visitors

Selecting this link will direct you to a list of all new visitors. From here, you can bulk-select new visitors to categories at the same time.

[C] New Visitors

New visitors are presented as cards in a carousel at the top of the page. Where there are no new visitors seen, the entire carousel is hidden. Select a visitor card to categorise a new visitor.

[D] Known Visitors

Any visitors that you have already identified and selected how you wish to be notified for, will be displayed under 'Known visitors'.

[E] Filters

You can filter the view of known visitors by selecting the chips.

[F] No New Visitors

Example view with no new visitors.

[G] Edit

Select a visitor row to edit the preferences for that visitor.

[H] Manage Categories

You can categorise your visitors into groups. To manage your categories, click "Categories".

[I] Add Visitor

To add a new visitor, such as new a employee or a guest you wish to be notified of, simply click "Add visitor" and follow the steps to add them as a known visitor.

Visitor Detail View

From the visitor detail view, you can see a history of events the visitor has been recognised in. You may also see image snapshots of the visitor and any devices the user is linked with.

[A] Visitor Profile

The visitor profile displays a snapshot image of the visitor, any known contact information, and the current category to which the visitor belongs.

[B] Edit Visitor

Select to edit visitor information.

[C] Visitor History

Individual historical events the visitor has been recognised in are listed in chronological order from the most recent to the oldest event. Select an event to view more information.

[D] Visitor Details

Selecting 'Details' shows more detailed information and options for the visitor.

[E] Image Management

Select the edit icon to delete or re-assign snapshot images of the visitor,

[F] Upload Images

Select 'Browse' to upload images of the visitor. This is helpful for the pre-enrolment of a visitor.

[G] Devices

Devices the visitor has access to are displayed as chips. Select a chip to see more details of the device. Select the edit icon to view the 'Keys' management area.

[H] Merge Visitor

You can merge this visitor with another visitor's profile.

[I] Delete Visitor

Select to delete a visitor profile.

Edit Visitor

Edit a user to edit their category, manage contact information for guests, or link profiles to admin users.

[A] Edit Visitor Details

The name, category, profile type, and contact information may be edited.

[B] Cancel

Select to cancel changes and return to the visitor profile.

[C] Save

Select to save changes and return to the visitor profile.

[D] Profile Type

The visitor can either be a 'Standard' or a 'Guest' profile. A 'Guest' profile may have contact information entered, whereas a 'Standard profile' may not.

[E] Guest Invite

Where a 'Guest' profile is selected and contact information is entered, a guest may be invited. Inviting a visitor will send a guest email to the visitor to access Cammy.

Edit Visitor Categories

Split your identities into categories and set alarm preferences based on their category.

[A] Add Category

To create a new custom category, click "Add Category".

[B] Edit Category

To edit the name or preferences for an existing category, select "Edit".

[C] Delete Category

To delete an existing category, click "Delete".

[D] New Category Details

Here you can add the details of your new category.

[E] Category Name

Enter the name of the new category in the type box.

[F] Notification Preference

Choose your notification preferences for this category.

[G] Alarm Override

Choose to receive an alert for any identity under this category, regardless of the alarm state.

[H] Colours

Organise your categories using colours.

[I] Cancel

"Cancel" and exit the add/edit category mode.

[J] Add

Add/Save the new category.

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