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Manage your Visitors directly from the desktop app.

Ruby Watts avatar
Written by Ruby Watts
Updated over a week ago


Within "Visitors" you can manage any visitors that are detected by your cameras as well as carry out the required system training when first setting up your Identity alarm. You will also see a Visitor Feed on the left-hand side of the Visitoor page, showcasing all recent visitors to your premises.

[A] Visitor Tab

Access the Visitors tab from the navigation bar. Here, you can view and manage your Visitors.

[B] Visitor Feed

See a feed of visitors at your Premises, displayed in chronological order. To view an event of a visitor, "click" on the event to watch the full event in a pop-up modal.

[C] Filter Visitor Events

Filter your visitor events based on "Date", "Camera", "Category" or "Visitor".

[D] Manage

Manage your visitor profiles and permissions.


Easily manage your visitor profiles and permissions from the Visitor tab.

[A] New Visitors

Any new visitors that are detected by the system will be displayed here. You can then manage them accordingly whether you recognize them or not.

[B] Don't Alert & Alert

When managing new visitors, you can choose whether to receive future alerts from them or not by clicking "Don't alert" or "Alert".

[C] Known Visitors

Any visitors that you already identified and selected how you wish to be notified for them will be displayed under known visitors.

[D] Manage Categories

You can categorise your visitors into groups. To manage your categories, click "Manage Categories".

[E] Add Visitor

To add a new visitor, such as a new employee or even a disgruntled ex-employee that you wish to be notified of, simply click "Add Identity! and follow the steps to add them as a known visitor.

[F] Edit

To edit your preferences for an existing visitor, click the "✏️" icon.

[G] Information

At any point throughout the desktop app, you see an "ℹ️" icon, you can click it to see an explainer of the feature you are viewing.

[H] Refresh

Click "Refresh" to ensure you are seeing the latest visitor detections from your cameras.

Managing Visitor Categories

You can organize your identities into custom categories such as Employees, Family and Red Alerts etc. You can manage these categories from within the identities area.

[A] Add Category

To create a new custom category, click "Add Category".

[B] Edit Category

To edit the name or preferences for an existing category, select "Edit".

[C] Delete Category

To delete an existing category, click "Delete".

Editing a Visitor Category

[A] Category Details

Here you will see all the existing details for the category, as well as the option to amend the category details.

[B] Category Name

Change the name of the category by removing the existing name from the type box and entering a new one.

[C] Notification Preference

Choose your notification preferences for this category.

[D] Alarm Override

Choose to receive an alert for any identity under this category, regardless of the alarm state.

[E] Colours

Organise your categories using colours.

[F] Cancel

"Cancel" and exit the category details box.

[G] Save

If you make any changes to your category details, make sure you "Save" them, before exiting the category details box.

Managing a Visitor

When your camera picks up a new visitor, a visitor profile is created from them. To receive preference-based notifications for new visitors, you will need to fill in their details and set a category for them. To do this, simply click on the new visitor image within the "Visitors" area to open the visitor detail box.

[A] Visitor Profile Picture and Details

This will be the profile image picked up by your camera. Here you can also see your visitor details including their name and email, visitor category and user admin status.

[B] Edit Information

Select to edit the visitor information such as name, email and phone number by using the πŸ–‹οΈ icon.

[C] Visitor History

The visitor history shows a log of every time the visitor has been picked up by your cameras or activated a device key.

[D] Image Management

Upload new images to a visitor profile by dropping files into the drop zone, or by selecting the upload button to browse for files.

[E] Devices

Shown here are the access devices the user is linked to via "Keys". You can edit the "Keys" associated with the user by using the πŸ–‹οΈ icon. This will take you to the access management area within the Settings tab.

[F] Merge Visitor

If the visitor picked up is already an existing visitor, you can merge the new visitor with an existing identity by clicking "Merge Visitor".

[G] Delete Visitor

If you need to delete the visitor, click "Delete".

Editing a Visitor

[A] Editing a Visitor Profile

To make changes to the visitor details, click the πŸ–‹οΈ icon next to the visitor name.

[B] Visitor Profile

Here you can change the "Name", "Category", "Profile Type" and "User Status" by using the type and drop-down boxes.

[C] Profile Type

Select if the Visitor is a "Standard" (a visitor recognised by facial recognition) or "Guest" (a visitor created for guest purposes such as key access; no photo required) visitor.

[D] Cancel

Cancel any changes you have made to the visitor profile.

[E] Save

Save any changes that you have made to the visitor profile.

Image Management

Manage the images associated with your visitors within the Image Management section. Here, you can reassign and delete images associated with an identity.

[A] Profile Image

The image currently selected as the profile image for the visitor is indicated by a border.

[B] Close

Close the Image Management modal and return to the visitor profile.

[C] Reassign

Reassign images to other identities, if the image has been incorrectly assigned. To do this, select the image by turning the tick box blue, then click "Reassign". You are then able to choose which identity you would like to reassign the images to.

[D] Delete

Delete images associated with a visitor. To do this, select the image by turning the tick box blue, then click "Delete". You may wish to delete images associated with a visitor if they are of poor angling or quality. Better quality and front-angle images are favoured by our software for recognising identities.

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