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Reporting - Full List
Reporting - Full List

A full list of all standard reports within Caresmartz360

Written by Kate Lewis
Updated over a week ago

Caresmartz 360 provides a number of standard reports for your convenience. You can click on the header of each section here to see screenshots of each report and its results.

Birthday/Anniversary Report

Client Report

Discharge Summary with Details

Client Authorization Expiration Report

Client Roster

Emergency Preparedness Rating

Client Bill Rates

Client SOC and Referral Details

Exceeded Authorizations

Client Caregiver Relationship

Client Status Update

Key Quality Outcome Report

Client Community Relationships

Client Total Schedules and Hours

Late Re-Evaluation Due Report

Client Completed Assessments

Client, Caregiver, Agency/ Admin User Relationship Report

Re-Admission Details

Client Contact List

Clients SOC Date

Re-Evaluation Report

Client Details with Additional Notes

Clients SOC Date by Office

SSN Audit Report

Client Length of Stay

Discharge Outcomes

Task Report By Client

Client Payer

Discharge Report by Discharge Reason

Task/Communication Report

Caregiver Applicant Report

Caregiver Hire Anniversary

Caregiver Separation Details by Status

Caregiver Availability/Unavailability Report

Caregiver Hours and Units

Caregiver Skill Level

Caregiver Badge Report (V2)

Caregiver HR

Caregiver Status Change

Caregiver Badges Export

Caregiver List

Caregiver Telephony

Caregiver Client Matching

Caregiver List with Birthday

Caregiver Training

Caregiver Compliance Report

Caregiver Office Listing

Caregiver Training Expirations

Caregiver Emails

Caregiver Pay Rates

Caregivers by Status

Caregiver Expirations

Caregiver Recruitment Details

Caregivers with Hire and Rates

Caregiver Hire and Rate Details

Caregiver Roster

Relias Activity Logs

Affordable Care Act Report

Bill and Pay Rates Expiration Report

Call-Off Report

Canceled By Client

Care History

Caregiver Average Hours Per Week

Caregiver Hire Report

Caregiver Late Clock-In

Caregiver Mileage and Travel Time

Caregiver Notes Report

Caregiver Overtime Summary

Caregiver Payable Hours

Caregiver Schedule By Service Date

Client Billable Hours Report

Client Schedules

Client with Non-Completed Schedules

Client, Caregiver Schedules and Rates by Date Range

Clients With No Future Schedules

Clock-In and Clock-Out Details with Notes

Deleted Shifts Report

Injury Report

Missed Clock-In and Clock-Out

Open Shifts By Date

Payable Hours(Caregiver and Other Staff)

Pre-Screening Report

Pre-Screening Report V2

Recurrence End Report

Removed/Revised ICD10 Codes

Rest Breaks Report

Schedule Billing and Payroll Status

Schedule by Paid Status

Schedule Feedback by Caregivers

Schedule Feedback by Client

Schedule List By Date

Schedule Updated By Telephony

Scheduled Vs Billed Hours

Schedules By Caregiver

Schedules By Payer

Shift Cancellation Report

Shift Decline

Task Report By Invoice Number

Telephony Call Review

Telephony Call Review Grouped By Caregiver

Telephony Call Review Grouped By Client

Time Tracking Review Actual Hours Totaled

Time Tracking Total Hours

Unidentified Clock-In and Clock-Out

Weekly Caregiver Hours

Weekly Schedules w.r.t Caregiver

Weekly Schedules w.r.t Client

Address Book Notes

Consumer Lead by Date

Referral Source by Date Range

Referral Summary Report

Archived Payment Summary

Average Billing Per Month

Average Day(s) to pay

Batch History

Batch History All Details

Batch History by Date

Batch History with Units

Bill Pay Summary

Billed Hours by Service Type and Payer

Billed Units by Client

Billed Units by Service Date

Client Balance Due Report

Client Invoice Outstanding

Client Invoice with Rates

Client Invoice with Rates by Payer

Client Statement

Client Statement (V2)

Commission Calculations

Detailed Billed Units by Client

End of Year Invoice Report

Estimated Bill and Pay

Estimated Pay by Date Range

Expense Details By Caregiver

Expense Details by Client

Gross Margin by Client

Invoice Adjustment by Date

Invoice Aging

Invoice Aging Grouped by Client

Invoice List by Client

Invoice Listing

Invoice Summary by Batch

Invoice Summary by Care Coordinator

Invoice Summary by Referral Source

Invoice Summary by Service Date

Invoice Summary with Units by Invoice Date

Invoice Type by Payer

Invoices and Payments

Monthly Comparison

Outstanding Invoice Balance - ALP IHC

Outstanding Invoice Summary by Client Search

Payment Summary

Payment Summary Report by Payer

Payment with Balance or Deposit Balance

Payroll Grouped by Caregiver

Revenue by Marketing Staff

Top Performer - ALP Billing

Top Performer - Billing For Month

Top Performer - Start of Care

Total Units and Amount Billed by Office

AuthentiCare Manual Data Post

Call Listing Report

Call Summary Report

CareBridge Manual DataPost

CareBridge Response

Client Visit Summary

Clock-In/Clock-Out Location and Mode

Confirmed Visits

DMAS90 Report

GPS Coordination and Electronic signature

GPS Distance Exception Report

HHA Exchange Billed Visits Import Report

HHA Exchange Confirmed Visits Import Report

HHA Exchange Delete Schedule Import Report

HHA Exchange Missed Visits Import Report

HHA Exchange Schedule Import Report

Original vs Publish Family Feedback

Original Vs Published Notes

Sandata Data Post

Scheduled Shift V/S Actual Time Delivered

Tellus Data Post

Tellus Details

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