If you already have acquired the rights to use all posts from an Instagram creator, e.g. through an Influencer collaboration, you can whitelist them to get instant access to all Instagram posts they mention or tag your brand's Instagram account in. This removes the need to send rights requests to a specific Instagram creator.
Whitelist a new member
Navigate to Members
Click New member in the upper right corner
Enter their Instagram username
Under Instagram rights, select one of the following:
Direct access to future posts
Direct access to historical and future posts
Click Create member
Their tagged and mentioned post will now instantly appear in Library > Inbox
Whitelist an existing member
Navigate to Members
Find the member you wish to whitelist, click on their name
On the right side of the screen, you’ll see a sidebar with different member settings
Under Instagram rights, select one of the following:
Direct access to future posts
Direct access to historical and future posts
Their tagged and mentioned post will now instantly appear in Library > Inbox