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All CollectionsAdmin/Coach FAQTrack Programming/Workout Programs FAQ
I need help understanding how to program workouts
I need help understanding how to program workouts

Here are some definitions and best practices of the programming section.

Written by Support Team
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Here's a detailed description of the details in Track Programming:

The top of the workout programming looks like this

  • Title - Name the workout something fun, workout date, or describe what it is (warm-up, cool down, extra credit, etc)

  • Workout Type - Level or RX. Level gives you the ability to choose how many workout variations there are. RX is 1 workout variation. When they log the workout, they'll choose whether they performed the workout as prescribed (RX) or scaled.

  • No of Levels - (Only if the workout type is Level) You can choose how many levels you want to present to your members. You can edit the colors of the levels in Tracks (*edit the specific Tracks settings)

  • Score Type - How do you want to score the workout?

    • Calories

    • Distance

    • For Time

    • Freeform

    • Lifting (will pull up a movement to track*)

    • Reps

    • Rounds+Reps

    • None (will not allow them to score)

  • Leaderboard - Do you want to populate a gym-wide leaderboard? Yes or No?

  • Length - (optional) Here you can put expected time domain for the workout. It will only show in the header of the workout and won't affect scoring or text entry to workout.

  • Goal - (optional) Here you can put intended stimulus for workout - like goal of rounds or reps, or RPE number. It will only show in the header of the workout and won't affect scoring or text entry to workout.

  • Benchmark - Is it a benchmark where you'd want to see analytics on member progress? Yes or No?

  • Challenge Code - Challenge codes are used for linking workouts or challenges with the same score type to accumulate over a period of time.

  • Score Inputs - How many scores do you want athletes to enter for the workout. If it's more than one, you'll then be given an option to choose how they see the score:

    • Sum

    • Average

    • Min

    • Max

    • First Record

    • Last Record

You can then customize the text of the workout to fit your needs.

The toggles below the text are (from left to right):

  • Notes -

    • Member notes - notes that members can see for the workout

    • Coach notes - notes only coaches can see for the workout

    • Tv Display notes - notes only displayed on the Tv for the workout

  • Movements/Videos - Here's where you can detect, choose, or create movements in the workout for demo before members even step foot in the gym. (adding custom movements -

  • Tags - This is where you add tags to the workout to make them easily searchable in the athlete's dashboard or for next time you program the workout

  • Delete - delete the workout from the daily programming

  • Visibility - Make the workout visible/hidden from the daily programming (maybe as a draft that isn't finished yet or waiting to release the workout until a certain time)

  • Full Screen Edit - You can maximize screen usage when programming with this button

Lifting workout settings

When creating a lifting scoring workout,

  • Select a movement in the system or create a new movement

  • Select Rep Scheme -

    • Fixed - 5x5

    • Variable - 1x5, 1x4, 1x3, 1x2, 1x1 (percentage optional)

  • Select how you want to see the leaderboard score

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