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Clock In with TimeTiles

TimeTiles assure you that employees are clocking in and out from the job site. Here's how employees clock in with TimeTiles.

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Written by CustomerCareTeam
Updated over a week ago

Clocking in with TimeTiles is as simple as paying for your groceries. Tap your phone on the keypad, and away you go with your shopping cart. Employees can clock in and out of job sites with the same ease and efficiency while assuring you they're on site.

But there are a few things to know.

square TimeTile - a way for employees to scan their phone and clock into work

Clocking in with TimeTiles

Rule # 1

The first rule about an employee clocking into a location with a TimeTile is that they have to be on the Team assigned to that job. If you have only one Team, you're good on this first rule.

Rule #2

Secondly, their phone has to be NFC-compatible. All iPhones, since iPhone 7 with IOS 13 or later, can scan TimeTiles, and most Android phones can. Check out this troubleshooting article to learn about phone models that aren't NFC-compatible.

Rule #3

Next, if your employee clock-in settings require that their location settings be enabled, they will not get a chance to scan a TimeTile if their location is off. The app will pop up a message informing them to open their location settings (you can disable this requirement in the clock-in settings).

Rule #4

If you don't require employees to enable their location services, they can scan a tile to clock into scheduled jobs.

Rule #5

If you don't require employees to enable their location services and you don't have schedules, they can locate their job on the app by scanning the TimeTile at the job site.

how to clock in with TimeTiles on Chronotek Pro Mobile App

  1. The employee clicks "Locate by Scan"

  2. Scan the tile to see jobs at this location

  3. Choose your job

  4. Clock in

  5. Scan the TimeTile again to clock in

Ready to order TimeTiles™? Here's how to order TimeTiles™.

Check out the TimeTile Directory for related articles.

Do you employees still need to download the app? In a browser go to or scan this QR code.

Or find more articles in our Help Center. And go ahead and bookmark the site! 😎

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