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Directory of Payroll Prep Steps

Quickly fix timecards when you have instant visibility into the issues. Payroll days are now easier.

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Written by CustomerCareTeam
Updated over a week ago

It can seem like a vicious cycle.... payroll days. Chronotek Pro comes to your rescue. Pro automatically does all of the painful math calculations for your pay period - even semi-monthly payroll, including breaking down the overtime correctly.

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Help Articles for Payroll Prep

One and Done - first-time setup.

Travel Time and Miles are easy to approve.

What do I do with these colored squares?

Red Issues - are critical issues you must fix to close payroll

Yellow Issues - are employee-related warnings you can review and clear

OK, you are ready to process payroll hours.

Our Prepare Payroll Hours article lays out the steps for you in detail.

For those that do not use hours for payroll.

More details about the auto-close payroll process.

See all the start-up steps in the article How to Get Started Using Pro – and bookmark it😊!

Ditto for the Getting Started – Next Steps.

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