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Admin Mobile Check-In
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Written by CustomerSuccess Team
Updated over a week ago

Follow along with the video to learn how to check volunteers in and out from your mobile app.

As an organization's admin, you have the ability to check your champions in and out from your Civic Champs mobile app regardless of your location at the time. To begin, ensure you are in Admin mode on your app. You can go to your Admin mode in two ways:

1. Use the hamburger menu in the upper lefthand corner to go to Admin Check-In.

2. Select the person icon in the lower righthand corner, and choose Admin.

Finding the Opportunity or Event for Check-In:

There are various ways to access mobile admin check-in, versatile for whatever situation you find yourself in.

Note: Admin mobile check-in works best with location services turned on.

If you are at the location: Select Find Opportunity on the main screen. Your phone should detect that you are at or around one or more opportunities (also referred to as geofences). Select the correct opportunity for which you would like to use check-in. The correct opportunity should now be present on the main screen, and you can begin checking volunteers in and out.

If you are not at the location: Select Find Opportunity on your main screen. Your phone will either show irrelevant opportunities or will say that there are no opportunities currently around your location. Select See all opportunities. Here, you will be presented with all of your available opportunities, regardless of your location. Select the correct opportunity for which you would like to use check-in. The correct opportunity should now be present on your main screen, and you can begin checking volunteers in and out.

If you would like to check-in based on an event: You can begin checking in volunteers within 24 hours of the start of a created event. To begin, select Events on the bottom bar of your main screen. You will be shown your schedule of events.

From here, you can start check-in in two different ways.

(1) You can open up check-in for the event on your admin homescreen. To do this, find the event for which you would like to use check-in, and select the Check-Ins icon next to it. The event should now be present on your main screen, and you can begin checking whichever volunteers in and out, as you would with the previous two methods.

(2) You can check in specific champions that have registered for the event. To do this, tap the event for which you would like to use check-in. Scroll down through the event information to view the Shifts or People tabs. Click on the champion you would like to check in. You will be taken to their volunteer information; at the bottom of the page will be a Check-In icon. Tap it to check that champion in.

Note: You can follow the same steps to check that champion out.

Checking Champions In from :

To begin checking in your champions with one of the first three methods, you will need to first select the blue Check In button on your screen.

From here, a list of all of your champions will appear, and you can begin to choose which champions you would like to Check In. You have the ability to Check In one or more champions at the same time.

To find the champions you would like to Check In:

  • You can use the "Search by name" box, type the volunteers' individual names, and select them.

  • You can scroll through and multi-select as many as you need to.

  • You can choose Select all in the upper righthand corner to select all champions.

Chosen champions will be highlighted in blue. Once you have selected the champions you would like to check in, select the Add button.

A screen will appear with all of the champions' names you have selected, along with the current date and time. You can alter the date and time of Check-in if needed, or uncheck any names that you may decide not to check in. When you are ready, click the Check In button. You will then be able to see how many champions you have checked in on your main screen.

Checking Champions Out:

To begin Checking Out champions from your admin homescreen, you will need to first select the orange Check Out button on your screen.

From here, a list of all of your champions who are currently checked in will appear. You have the ability to check out one champion, multiple champions, or all checked-in champions at the same time.

To find the champions you would like to check out:

  • You can use the "Search by name" box, type your individual champions' names in, and select them

  • You can scroll through the list of champions and multi-select their names

  • You can choose Select all in the upper righthand corner to select all checked-in champions

Once you've selected the champion(s) you would like to check-out, click the Add button.

A screen will appear with all of the champions' names you have selected, along with the current date and time. You can edit the date and time of check-out and/or the champions selected, if needed.

Once you have the wanted information, select Set Time.

You will see a screen that prompts you to input the Activity type and a Team, if the champion(s) belonged to one. After you input the Activity Type and Team, click the "Check Out" button.

You will then be able to see the change in how many champions are currently checked in.

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