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Creating an Event
CustomerSuccess Team avatar
Written by CustomerSuccess Team
Updated over a week ago

Follow along with the below images to learn about the Basic Info section of creating an event.

Admins can create an event for their organization on the Events tab. To begin, click the Add button to the right of the Events title.

You will be taken to the following page:

You'll then fill out the details of your event

  • Event Name: The title of your event

  • Date: This is the date of your event, or, if it is repeating, the first date of your event

    • For repeating events, select one of the automatically generated options from the dropdown list (where it says "Never" in blue). You can also create your own repetition by choosing custom events.

  • End Date: This is only applicable for repeating events. This is the last date your event occurs

  • Description: This is a short description of your event that will be seen by those looking at your event.

  • Day-of-event instructions for volunteers (Optional): This is where you would input information for your volunteers about any requirements, notes, or specific instructions for the event. This message is automatically emailed out to all registrants 24 hours before the start time of your event.

    • For example, I told the volunteers: "Bring non-perishable goods (if possible), and wear your masks!"

Once you've finished the body of your event, scroll down to the "Point of Contact" section. It should look similar to this:

Decide whether you would like to assign a Point of Contact for your event. This is an optional section. The Point of Contact will provide their contact information in order to
(a) receive email notifications regarding volunteer registration and
(b) provide contact information for registered volunteers.

Before proceeding, review all your information. If all information is correctly input, click the Next button. If not, feel free to press Save for Later to save the event as a draft and edit and publish it in the future.


The second section is Participants. Here, you will choose the visibility of your event. You can choose the following from a dropdown list:

  • Public: Anyone with a Civic Champs account may view and register for the event.

  • Private: Only those with a direct link can view and register for the event.

  • Selected Groups Only: Only hand-selected groups (from your Groups tab) can view and register for the event.

In this case, my event will be for selected groups only. Only approved volunteers in my Community Service and Deacon Church groups will have access to view and register for the event.

After filling out the Participants section, you can press Update Draft to save the event as a draft, Back to edit the basic info, or Next to move on.


The third section is the location page.

On this page, you will have to enter the address of the event into the Google address search bar. It is best to hand-type the address and choose the correct one as it appears in the search.

The address I have entered is 303 Pearce Mill Rd, McCandless, Pennsylvania. The Google maps image beside it should be able to find that location and represent it accurately.

Following this, use the scroll bar beneath the map, labeled Geofence Radius, to adjust a radius for volunteers to check-in. The default and recommended radius is set to 200 ft.

Once finished, select Save for Later to save the event as a draft, Back to return to an earlier section, or Next to move on.


Follow along with the above video to learn about the Shifts section of creating an event.

The next section of creating an event is Shifts. Most events require various roles to be fulfilled. This section allows you to organize the roles by shift and limit how many people can sign up for each role.

For example, I want to create a morning and afternoon shift for my event. To begin, I type in the start and end times for the shift. Because I want to separate morning from afternoon, I choose 9:00 am to 12:00 pm for the first shift. Afterward, I name the shift. Here, I have named it: "Morning Shift." Generally, for ease, we recommend naming shifts by time of day.

Now, I move onto inputting the roles for that shift. First, I name the role: "Pantry Re-Organizer." Choose something your volunteers will understand. Then, decide the maximum number of volunteers for that role. I have chosen 4. If there is no maximum, input an impossible value, such as 999999.

If you would like to add multiple roles, select Add another role, and input the information for those roles.

Here I have added two other roles:

If there are multiple shifts, there are two ways to create a new shift:

  • Select the Add shift button found at the bottom. This will create a new, completely blank shift section.

  • Select the Duplicate button beside the first shift. This will create a copy of the first shift that you can edit to fit the new shift.

To create my afternoon shift, I selected Duplicate and changed the start and end times and name of the shift. The roles remained the same.

If you ever would like to delete a role, you can select the X to the right of it.

Once all information is entered for your shifts, press Save for Later to save as a draft, Back to edit an earlier section, or Next to move to the next step.


Follow along with the above video to learn about the Onboarding section of creating an event.

Moving on from Shifts will bring you to the Onboarding section. Events typically yield special requirements from volunteers. Using this section, your organization has the ability to add waivers and/or questionnaires to particular events.

Adding Waivers and Questionnaires

To add a waiver, first select Add to the right of Waivers or Questionnaires.

A dropdown box will appear. From this dropdown box, you can either select one of your saved waivers, or you can create a new waiver.

If you would like, you can Add as many event-specific waivers/questionnaires through the same process, Edit the photo release waiver from this page, or Remove the waiver from the event. There is no limit to the number of waivers that can be attached to an event.

You can also check off the Optional box next to the chosen questionnaire to make it optional for volunteers.

For my event, I chose a saved questionnaire entitled, "Volunteer Application" I also checked off the Optional box to make it optional for volunteers.
After adding the questionnaire, you can check or uncheck the Optional box, you can Edit the questions, or you can Remove the questionnaire from the event. You can also Add another questionnaire using the same process. There is no limit to the number of questionnaires you can attach to an event.

Once you have finished adding the waivers and questionnaires needed for your event, you can decide to Update Draft, go Back to a previous section, or click Next to move on.


Once all sections are created, thoroughly review all of the information.

If everything is correctly input, select the Publish button. If not, hit the Save for Later. To edit any of the information, click the Back button. To delete the entire draft, select Cancel.

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