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Using Filters to Create Specific Reports
Using Filters to Create Specific Reports
CustomerSuccess Team avatar
Written by CustomerSuccess Team
Updated over a week ago

To locate a meeting regarding a mentor, mentee, program, type, or meeting type, select the yellow Filters button.

Here you will be able to input the specific meeting type information. In the Column tab, select from the drop-down the specific results you would like to retrieve.

After you have selected the column type you would like to search, select the operator. The default operator for this search is listed as “is” within this dropdown menu.

Next, select the value of the meeting you are looking for. This specific example displays a program value, which would be the program name created within the programs tab.

Once you have inserted all the necessary information in your filter. Select Apply to retrieve your specific results.

After you have selected apply, it will display your results highlighted in yellow in the first row listed with the description tabs.

To add additional filters to the one you have filled in, select the yellow add button, and repeat the steps above to display your results.

To export the data results, select Export CSV to generate the information in a spreadsheet.

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