If you have responded to a booking request notification but didn’t end up getting booked, there are a few possible reasons this might have happened. Understanding how the booking process on ClassCover works can help you manage your expectations and increase your chances of securing more bookings in the future.
How Booking Requests Work
Schools have the power to choose how they send a booking request on ClassCover. When a school chooses to send a booking request to some or all of their list at once, the first person to respond is typically the one who secures the booking.
Tips to Maximise Your Chances
Respond Quickly to Notifications
To avoid slowing down your response time, refrain from opening the app directly to check for booking requests. Instead:
When you receive a push notification, tap it immediately.
This will take you directly to the booking details, allowing you to quickly tap 'Accept' and secure the booking.
Ensure a Reliable Network Connection
To ensure you're able to respond quickly to booking notifications, it's important to have a fast and reliable mobile network. A slow or unstable connection can delay your response time, so make sure your connection is stable to accept booking requests promptly.
Introduce Yourself
ClassCover enables schools to send booking requests to individual casuals, meaning you don’t have to compete with others to accept the booking first. To help schools put a face to your name and increase the chances of them wanting to book you specifically, take the time to introduce yourself to fellow teachers, school leaders and admin next time you’re working at a school.
Connect with New Schools
The more schools you are connected to on ClassCover, the greater your chances of receiving booking requests. By building connections with a wide range of schools, you increase your visibility and availability, which can lead to more opportunities for work. Establishing relationships with schools not only expands your network but also enhances your chances of being considered for a variety of teaching roles.
Want extra tips to get booked by your preferred schools more? Check out our blog post to learn more helpful tips on how to become a highly requested casual!
By following these steps, you can improve your response time and increase the likelihood of securing a booking.
If you need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to support@classcover.com.au for help.