As a casual relief teacher or casual non-teaching staff member using ClassCover, understanding how the booking process works ensures you never miss an opportunity to accept a job. Below is a step-by-step breakdown of how bookings are made and confirmed.
1. A School Needs a Casual Booking Filled
When a school needs a casual, they will create a booking through ClassCover. There are three types of bookings:
Regular Booking: The school sends a direct request to either a specific casual or list of casual staff, the first one to respond with ‘Accept’ is booked.
Flexi Booking: The school creates a booking when they know they have a vacancy, but don’t yet know the specific class or teacher that will need covering.
Pre-confirmed Booking: If you have a prior verbal agreement with the school, the booking will automatically appear in your calendar.
2. You Get Notified of the Booking Request
Once a booking request is made, you will receive a notification based on your preferred settings:
Push Notification: Sent first via the ClassCover app.
Email: As a backup, you will receive all booking request notifications via email.
SMS: Users can choose to receive an SMS notification either alongside a Push Notification or as a replacement for it.
You can update your notification preferences at any time in settings.
3. You're Booked!
Once you accept the request (or in the case of pre-confirmed bookings, once the school assigns you), your calendar updates automatically, and you’re all set for your next job! It’s as simple as that!
Want to increase your chances of getting booked? Check out our Tips and Tricks to Help Your ClassCover Profile Stand Out for expert advice on optimising your profile.