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5 quick tips for successful bookings

Help with bookings, finding teachers and teacher management

Billie avatar
Written by Billie
Updated over a week ago

Tip 1

Make sure you have enough teachers on your list and aim for over 70% active teachers

To improve successful booking outcomes, aim to have 30+ or more relief teachers attached to your school profile. If your regular ‘go to’ teachers are unavailable, you can access your other pool of relief teachers.

You can increase the number of teachers you have on your list via Find New or you can choose to post a ‘Casual Relief Teacher Call Out’ via ClassCover Jobs so that teachers can apply to be on your list. It’s also worth checking your Pending Requests page periodically as teachers and other casual staff can find your school on ClassCover and request to join your list.

Do you have a bank of teachers who you want to bring into ClassCover to book? You can import them easily via ‘Add new’.

You will want to make sure that your list health is in good shape. Casual relief teaching can be a transient career, so a healthy list in Term 1 may have changed by Term 3 and 4. You can always view the health of your list via your My List page. Aim to always have over 70% active at all times.

Tip 2:

Allow teachers enough time to respond.

When using the ‘one at a time in my chosen order’ booking option (recommended), keep the booking window open for at least 1 hour. This will give your relief teachers more time to respond and will improve successful booking rate.

Tip 3:

Be mindful of the time you are sending out your request.

Sending out a booking request during class hours may result in a low response rate as your recipients are most likely working. You can schedule your booking request to go out after school hours easily. This option is available to you in the booking request teacher shortlist window.

Tip 4

Include the class / year in the booking request .

It’s a good idea to include the year group covered so teachers can be better prepared, which will result in a better response rate. We have surveyed this to our teachers and found that 82% of teachers won’t respond to a booking request that has limited information on what class they are being invited to teach.

Tip 5

Are your teachers operating the app as you would expect? Send them a message

This includes updating their availability, responding to requests and having all of their important information up to date and on their profile. If they are then that’s great!

If not, it's a good idea to get some communication out to your list so they are aware of what you need them to do. We regularly communicate to teachers on this matter, however coming from your school will have more of an impact.

You can send out a broadcast message to a select few or all your teachers at once via My List. Learn how to do this

Save time with our handy message templates ready to use now. Get the templates

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