If there has been a change in your school’s enrolment numbers – whether an increase or decrease – and you need to have your invoice revised, it’s important to update the enrolment number, as your subscription plan with ClassCover is based on these numbers.
How to Request a Revision of Your School Enrolment Number
Send an Email to Billing
To request an invoice revision, simply email billing@classcover.com.au. In your email, include the details of the change in your school’s enrolment numbers and any other relevant information.
Billing Team Review
The ClassCover billing team will review your request and adjust the invoice accordingly. You will receive an updated invoice once the revision is complete.
Why It’s Important to Update Your Enrolment Number
Your ClassCover subscription plan is based on the enrolment number provided. Keeping your enrolment number up-to-date ensures that your subscription accurately reflects your school’s size and helps avoid discrepancies in billing. By notifying us promptly of any changes, we can ensure your invoice and subscription plan are aligned.