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Managing Stars

How do I manage star ratings?

Billie avatar
Written by Billie
Updated over a week ago

Stars are your internal rating system, used to organise your teacher list as you see fit.

It's important to note that stars are for internal purposes only and do not reflect on the teacher's record and are not seen by other schools. Teachers are not notified when you change their star rating.

Where can you manage your star ratings?

Stars can be managed under My Teachers on the web version of ClassCover.

What do the different stars mean?

How you manage your star ratings is entirely up to you. Stars were put in place to replicate how you would rate and manage your teachers outside of the ClassCover app.

There are however different functionalities to note when using stars on a teacher

There are 5 different star types to choose from

  • Two gold stars: These preferred teachers will feature at the top of your booking request lists.

  • One gold star: These are the second-highest ratings and will also appear closer to the top of booking requests.

  • No stars (empty stars): This is the default star rating and doesn't affect teachers in any way.

  • Grey stars: These teachers will be 'suspended' which means they won't appear in booking requests or on the pre-confirmed page. You may choose to use this if the teacher is temporarily inactive due to block work or on maternity leave.

  • Black stars: These teachers are essentially suspended but not removed. They won't appear on booking requests or the pre-confirmed page, same as grey stars. You may choose to use this option if a teacher is not to work at your school for any reason and you do not wish another user at your school to re-add them.

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