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Top 5 Tips On Building Strong School Relationships And Securing More Work
Top 5 Tips On Building Strong School Relationships And Securing More Work

How to get more bookings and ClassCover best practices for teachers

Billie avatar
Written by Billie
Updated over a week ago

While some teachers are run off their feet with job requests constantly flooding in, others could do with seeing a bit more action. Why is this so?

95% of the time, it comes down to your ClassCover profile. Schools are looking and choosing teachers who have more information over those who haven't maintained their profile. And it's not just new schools. Your current schools need to know you still tick all the boxes to teach at their school.

Here's our top 5 tips to help you build strong relationships with schools and as a result, secure more work...


1. Be reliable - Keep your availability updated weekly
We cannot stress enough how important this is to the school and to your booking request outcomes. Teachers with their availability up to date are 7 x more likely to be booked by schools over those who haven't made the time. Make a habit out of it! Create a reminder in your phone on a Sunday afternoon and spend 2 mins updating it in your ClassCover profile, which can be done on either the app or desktop versions 


2. Put a face to the name
Teachers with their pictures uploaded to their ClassCover profile are 3 x more likely to be asked to teach at a new school through the find new teachers feature over those who have no image at all. Why is this? First impressions count. We only get one chance to make a good first impression, and to new schools, your ClassCover profile is it. In person, your charm and use of language plays most of the part, but in an online world your first impression is made with your face – your profile picture – so make it count! 


3. Physically form relationships outside of the app
If you are on more school lists, you will get more work. Simple. And its not that hard to get on them, it just takes a little extra effort on your part, and schools will love you for it.  

  • Go into schools with your CV, introduce yourself and start the building a relationship. In this digital age, nothing beats a good old fashioned physical interaction. Let the schools know you're on ClassCover and your email address you use for it so they can find you.  

  • Can't make it into the school? Phone them up and ask them what is the best email address for you to send your CV to and repeat the same above steps


4. Is your important info up to date?
Schools are periodically checking their teacher lists and making sure that all teachers they are inviting into their schools are still registered to teach, have their accreditation up to date and all relevant training certificates. A good way to know at a glance if your information is up to date, is to name the file the date of the expiry. 

Hot tip: Keeping your accreditation up to date can be expensive, but not if you join the Relief Teacher Association. For only $89 a year you will get unlimited access to over 60 hours of accredited PD plus more. All memberships are tax deductible which is even better. You can join the community here. 


5. Grow your network by spreading the word on ClassCover (and make some extra cash to boot!)
No one likes to feel like they're missing out, so if you have schools you regularly teach at who aren't already using ClassCover, why not let them in on the secret. It will not only help to keep your availability up to date, but you also stand to earn a $50 cash bonus if the school you refer to us quotes your name and ends up purchasing a subscription. Schools will love you for it as they stand to save a vast amount of time per week on booking their relief teachers. We have teachers out there making a motzer out of this deal. 

Hot tip - You can see which schools are on ClassCover by going here.

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