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How do I create an Event?

How do I add events to my calendar?

Updated over a week ago

To track attendance effectively and efficiently you will need to first create events in your calendar. Events are the term we use but these can be used to create classes, workshops, seminars etc. 

NOTE: You will need to create an event and save it before you can book anyone into the event.

Check out the video below, or scroll on down for a step-by-step text-based instruction guide:

Text-based instruction guide:

To create an event in your calendar click "Calendar", then "View Calendar", then "+New" and "Add Event":

From here, you will be taken to the first page of the Create Event wizard where you will be asked to fill in the details for events: 

Max. Attendees is how many members and prospects can attend all up. So if you have 10 Max. Attendees and 4 Max. Prospects, this means that you will have a class attendance cap of 10 people, 4 of which can be Prospects (free trials).

The location is useful for filtering the calendar, and also filtering the attendance reports which is accessible by going to "Reports", then "Attendance", then "All attendances report".

The type is useful if you are putting restrictions on what types of classes members can attend when creating their membership. For example, you may call the type "Yoga" and only allow a membership specifically for "Yoga" classes. This is not a necessity and by default memberships will not have restrictions.

The event colour indicates what colour you want the event to show on the calendar, this is mostly for scannability, and the aesthetic of the calendar on the website if you choose to use it.

If you click "Show event on the gym's calendar (website, calendar widget)" this will show the class on the calendar in public view (through your free Clubworx website or iframe.)

"Free class? (Anyone can attend)" should generally be left unchecked. If it is checked, it means the class will not count towards membership bookings/attendances, and can be attended by anyone regardless of membership or maximum number of free trial spaces indicated.

"Members can cancel bookings to this event up to x hours/days prior to the start time" is mostly used by gyms who staff their classes based on attendance size. This means that members will be unable to cancel their booking through the member portal after the time limit.

When you click "Continue & Schedule" you will be taken to the scheduling wizard:

You will be asked "How often does this event repeat?" and you can select "Never", "Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly".

Never means it is a once off event. All you will need to do is enter the event time and date. 

If you wish to create a recurring event you can choose Daily, Weekly or Monthly.**

** When choosing an event time, if an event is a daily event, or a weekly event with multiple days of the week selected - when using the "multiple booking tool" for members, the bookings will include every day of the event in the series. If you wish to book different members on different days, you should book one class per specific day or time. If, for example, you had members that came on both Tuesday and Thursday then you would be able to create these events in the same series link. 

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