Accessing the General Attendance Kiosk Mode
You can access the General Attendance Kiosk via the dashboard:
You can also access General Attendance Kiosk Mode from any page in Clubworx by using the left menu:
Inside the General Kiosk Mode
The general attendance kiosk mode allows members to easily record attendance by searching for their name or using the scanner input. If they have been booked into an event on the day, they will be presented with an option to check in to the relevant event.
Please note: If the member does not have a booking, they will have the option to "check in" but this will be a general attendance only. They will not be added into any class. For class drop ins, you should use Class Kiosk Mode.
You can also have members click the Check Out button, and enter their names again to check out if required.
Martial Arts Studios
When using attendances for grading criteria, it is important to only use the Class Kiosk Mode for marking attendances otherwise this may interfere with your rules that have been set up for the Ready to Grade report.
Reasons why Kiosk Mode check in may not work for a member
There are a few rules in Clubworx that would prevent a member from checking in using any of the kiosk modes:
If a member is behind on payment an error message will appear when they try to check in.
Once a member has a cancelled membership or have run out of their allocated classes for the period, they will also be unable to check in with kiosk mode.
You can change the rules for General Attendance Kiosk Mode head to Settings then Account Profile and in the left menu, click Kiosk / Roll Call.
If you have any further questions or queries, please don't hesitate to contact our support team at!