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Dashboard: Attendance

Reading your Attendance dashlet

Updated over a week ago

6. Attendance 

  1. Shows how many members are checked into your facility currently (where they have checked in via general attendance kiosk or class kiosk mode)

  2. Shows how many members have checked in so far today

  3. Shows how many members who have booked in for an event or appointment have not attended in the last 30 days

Each section has a "Show more" button. The "show more" button under "Right now" and "Today" will lead to this page:

  1. This will show the contacts currently checked in and they will be separated into general attendance (those signed in through "General Kiosk Mode") and those attending classes (those checked in via Class Kiosk Mode)

  2. Will show all attendances for the day. This will be separated into classes and general attendance. 

Clicking "Show more" on "Absence" in the "Attendance" dashlet or clicking the "Absent this month" in the attendance tab after selecting "Show More" will bring you to the absences: 

  1. Allows you to change the report from the last 30 days, 15 days, or 7 days. 

  2. This shows your absent contacts, the last date they attended, their e-mail address, phone numbers, and if they are up to date on their payments

  3. Exports the data as a .csv file 

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