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Multi-contact messaging in Clubworx

Clubworx now allows you to include an additional recipient when sending certain messages to your contacts via email or SMS.

Updated over a year ago
  1. Go to the Member's profile and click on Manage Comms Settings.

2. From the Comms Settings, you can view all the contact details associated with that member profile. To add a new contact, click on Add Recipient.

3. Enter the new recipient's name and contact details or select them if they are already a contact in Clubworx. Select if they will receive SMSes and Emails, Booking-related correspondence, Payment-related correspondance, Other sequences, as well as User-triggered information (this means any adhoc email or SMS that a user of CWX sends to a contact, rather than automated messages via Sequences). Then click Save.


4. You will now see the additional contact information appear in the Comms Settings.


You can specify appropriate recipients for your payment-related sequences based on these comms recipient settings! Use the "Send To" option when adding/editing your sequences.

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