Set up the Member Portal

Create an Online Site Designed Just for Your Club

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: System users customize the club's online platform to meet the unique needs of its membership.

  • Use Cases: Customize user permissions to maximize control over which features members/players can see and modify online.


  1. Log in to the admin dashboard.

  2. Click SETTINGS on the side menu.

  3. Scroll down to the PORTAL SETTINGS heading and click Setup. A new page displays.

Copying the member portal link

At the top of the Member Portal Settings page, CourtReserve displays auto-generated link information. Users do not create or edit this information.

  • Each link opens the club's member portal home page. Club managers can distribute the links in email messages or other types of outreach communication.

System users can create a more user-friendly URL. Click the Portal Key field and enter text, but do not enter any special characters or SPACES.

Each link opens the same page. The Short Portal Link is easier to read and understand.

Configuring portal settings

Scroll down the page and enable or disable portal settings.

  • Is Your Member Portal Turned On? - The default setting is on. If the box is not checked, the member portal is offline, and the home page displays an error message.

  • Allow Members to Create Their Account Online - The default setting is enabled, which means new users to your organization can create their own accounts. Uncheck the box to prevent new users from creating an account online.

  • Allow Members to Login to Member Portal - The default setting is enabled, which means CourtReserve displays the login button. Uncheck the box to hide the login button.

  • Allow New Members to be Auto-Approved - The default setting is OFF, which means admins (or sub-admins with the right permissions) must review each request and decide whether to approve or reject. If the box is checked, CourtReserve auto-approves each new membership application.

  • Show Courts Scheduler for non logged in users (view only mode) - The default setting is OFF. If enabled, CourtReserve displays a Courts button in the navigation menu, which, if clicked, displays the scheduler. If enabled, the page displays a new field; enter a number that tells the platform the number of days in advance to show courts on the scheduler. The recommended number is 30. If the field is blank, the calendar shows all events.

  • Display Instructors on Public Calendars - If enabled, CourtReserve displays instructor names for events on the public scheduler. If not enabled, the names are hidden.

Courts and types

  • The Reserve Court Views for Member Reservations - Web Portal - Click the field and select which type of calendar view (consolidated or expanded) to display on the desktop version of the portal. If the field is blank, CourtReserve does not show any calendar. If both options are selected, CourtReserve displays two buttons so users can switch between consolidated and expanded.

  • The Reserve Court Views for Member Reservations - Mobile - Use this field to customize calendar display on mobile devices. In many cases, consolidated is the recommended option because the calendar has fewer columns, so it requires less horizontal scrolling.

  • Reservation Types that can be Booked by Members? - Use this field to limit the types of booking that can be made. Click the field and select one or more options. Leave the field blank to disable all reservation types.

Calendar and time

  • Default Event Calendar View - Click the field and set the default calendar view: day, week, month, or agenda. The agenda only shows calendar slots with a scheduled event or reservation.

  • Hide Event Dates More Than X Days Out From Appearing on the Event List - Use this field to control the display of future events on the calendar. Enter a number in the field, and CourtReserve shows all events between the current plus that X number of days. Beyond that number, future events are hidden. Leave the field blank to show all future events on the calendar.

  • Select Minimum Reservation Time by Default - If this box is checked, CourtReserve auto-fills the suggested time field with the minimum value set on the Reservation Type page. Members are free to change the default time. For example, the screenshot below shows the minimum reservation is 15 minutes (only for illustration purposes) for a Singles type booking. This 15-minute value was set on the Singles Reservation Type page.

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