Booking Settings: Discounts

Use Incentives to Increase Sales

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: System users can create club discounts tailored to the membership type.

  • Use Cases: Customize settings to give users a limited amount of free access to club facilities, such as free reservations, court time, or event access. System users could, for instance, offer one free court booking per month to members who renew a full membership and pay for 12 months in advance. The discounts on this page do not generate coupon codes or apply to payments at the checkout.

The BOOKING SETTINGS section has several pages. This article describes the Discounts page.

Click a link to learn about the other pages:


System users need a clear understanding of the club's booking rules and regulations.


The first step is to open the Discounts page.

  1. Click SETTINGS on the side menu.

  2. Scroll down the page to BOOKING SETTINGS and click Discounts.

  3. Enter values to enable and disable discounts by membership type. (see below)

  4. Click Save Changes.

Configuring the settings

System users assign discounts to members/players by granting:

  • X number of reservations per day, week or month, or

  • X number of free hours at a club facility (e.g. hard court) per day, week or month.

System users can assign different discounts to each membership type. To apply the same discount to each membership type, fill in the fields in the ITEM column.

Optionally, system users can enable discounts for:

  • reservations alone

  • reservations and events but on two different pages (apply two different sets of discounts)

  • reservations and events on the same page (save time and apply the same discount)


When a member/player books time on the scheduler and there is an applicable discount, CourtReserve does not display a fee on the confirmation window.

When the discount is no longer available, CourtReserve displays the fee.

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