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Curate Reports Overview
Curate Reports Overview

This is your one stop shop to learn about all things reporting in Curate!

Jamie Martin avatar
Written by Jamie Martin
Updated this week

Video Walkthrough


With Curate’s reporting features, you can track and analyze your earnings, so you always know which events were most profitable and which products were most popular!

All reports within Curate can also be exported as a CSV file 📊

Also, on some screens, reports will scroll sideways to accommodate all of the information

Hide Columns

You may choose to hide specific columns by toggling off the ones that you don't plan to use by clicking into the Hide Columns Dropdown. The options will be based on what's available within the report that you currently have generated.


The reports page also uses the same filtering system that the rest of the Curate Application has in place. To use one or more filters on the reports page, click the filter icon on the top right side and select the items you would like to filter. Click the Apply button at the bottom of the drop down.

Next click the Generate button so the system will refresh the report based on the filters you have selected.

To learn more about filters, please visit our filters page.


Running a report for Events will showcase an in-depth review of your events.

  • You can run the report for a specific time period and the report includes:

    • Event ID

    • Event Name

    • Event Status

    • Created Date

    • Start Date

    • Event Owner

    • Subtotal

    • Taxes

    • Total price

    • Recipe Costs

    • EST. Profit

    • Tags

Accounts Receivable

This report will allow you to focus on your bookkeeping side of events with details for taxes, payments made and balance due.

  • You can run the report for a specific time period and the report includes:

    • Event ID

    • Event Name

    • Status

    • Start Date

    • Event Owner

    • Subtotal

    • Taxes

    • Total Price

    • Payments Made

    • Balance Due

    • Tags

Line Items

Running a report for line items will showcase which line items are the most popular across your various events.

  • You can run the report for a specific time period and the report includes:

    • Event ID

    • Event Name

    • Event Start Date

    • Name (Line Item's Name)

    • Category Name

    • Quantity

    • Price

    • Subtotal

    • Recipe Costs

    • Assigned Cost

    • Tax Name

Payments Made

Running a report for Payments Made will showcase a breakdown of the payments that have been marked as received with your various events.

  • You can run the report for a specific time period and the report includes:

    • Paid Date

    • Type

    • Amount

    • Event ID

    • Event Name

    • Event Start Date

    • Payment Method

    • Notes - these will be the notes from the Payment history section


Running a report for Products will showcase which catalog products are the most popular across your various events

  • You can run the report for a specific time period and the report includes:

    • Product Name

    • Events Using

    • Units Sold

    • Total Revenue - This will also display a Sum amount at the bottom

    • Tags

Payments Due

Running a report for Payments Due will showcase a breakdown of the upcoming payments that are owed with your various events

  • You can run the report for a specific time period and the report includes:

    • Due Date

    • Amount Due - This will also display a Sum amount at the bottom

    • Event ID

    • Event Name

    • Event Start Date

    • Status


Running a report for Taxes will showcase a breakdown of the tax rates you have applied within your events

  • You can run the report for a specific time period and the report includes:

    • Name - Name of the Tax bracket

    • Rate - Tax rate percentage

    • Taxable - Tax able amount from event proposal

    • Taxes - Taxes owed based on taxable amount

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