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Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)

Learn how to standardise, organise and and track your JHAs by following these best practices.

Tammy Slattery avatar
Written by Tammy Slattery
Updated over 10 months ago


A JHA or job hazard analysis is a procedure (usually conducted with a JHA form) that describes the steps required to complete a specific task or job - and then identifies potential incidents and hazards that could arise during this task or job.

The purpose of a job hazard analysis is to proactively consider and outline what could go wrong and what safety issues could arise during work, to reduce the likelihood that these hazards and incidents will eventuate through risk control measures and prioritisation.

While a critical part of job safety, JHAs can be difficult to document, organise and track, especially on larger-scale projects or with multiple people submitting their information. Dashpivot makes this easy - JHAs can be filled out in the field.

How it works

Key Features

  • Standardise your JHA template across all projects and teams within your organisation.

  • Scan Sitemate IDs of workers to automatically stamp their name, company, signature onto the JHA, with the time and location the scan took place

  • Make sure your workforce is always using the latest and most up to date JHA template. Any changes you make to your standard JHA template will instantly and automatically update across all devices

  • Make auditing easy, but generating a single register of all JHA forms completed across all projects via your organisations template library, with ability to filter by project, date range, person, etc

  • Allow your teams to generate JHAs in the field, using the Dashpivot mobile/tablet app

Best Practices

  • Where possible, use dropdown menus (category fields, or list cells in tables) to make completing forms fast and easy

  • Use list fields where applicable (eg. area), to make it easy to find records later via the register view, and filter by the list items on any analytics charts

  • Set fields to be 'required' if they should be mandatory to complete the method statement

  • In the template settings, make sure the forms are sorted by the date on the form (not the creation date)

  • In the template settings, set the form thumbnail to display the location if working on a large site

Getting Started

You can access a Free Job Hazard Analysis Template from Dashpivot's Template Library. Go to Templates > Add Template > Choose from Free Public Template Library.

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