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Change the portal language
Written by Maude Quoidbach
Updated yesterday

To change the language of your portal, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Log into your account

Sign in to your account on the portal.

Step 2: Access your profile

Click on your profile in the top left corner of the screen, then select "My Settings".

On the settings page, you will find important information such as:

  • Your profile picture

  • Your account duration on the portal

  • Key learning indicators, including:

    • Number of participations

    • Total learning time

    • Engagement rate

    • Completion rate

Step 3: Modify your information

You can also edit certain details, such as:

  • Your email address

  • Your password

  • The portal language

Warning: If Dokeos is integrated with other platforms or systems, changing your email address may cause inconsistencies between systems, potentially leading to integration issues.

Step 4: Save your changes

After making any changes, don’t forget to click "Save" to apply your updates.

Important Information:

The default language for each user is set by the administrator when the invitation is sent. If no language has been specified, the portal’s default language will apply. For example, even if the portal is in French, a user may see it in English if it is their preferred language.

Now you know how to change your portal language!

For any questions or additional support, contact us at:

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