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Eatwith Health and Safety Guidelines
Eatwith Health and Safety Guidelines
Ester Giacomoni avatar
Written by Ester Giacomoni
Updated over a week ago

Eatwith is committed to caring for the health and well-being of our host and guest community.

This document specifies measures that must be followed by all those organizing, promoting, preparing for, attending, serving at or otherwise contributing to or participating in or at events associated with Eatwith. These are minimum requirements, and it is for each individual to ensure compliance with all applicable codes of practice and legal requirements (together with the “Protection Guidelines”).

For the safety of our hosts and guests, we reserve the right (but assume no obligation) to remove references to any experiences which it appears to us may not adhere to all relevant Protection Guidelines.

To learn more about COVID-19 please see here.

Measures for Hosts

● Hosts may not organize an event if on self-quarantine, or suffering from any transmissible or infectious disease or illness, or experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, (or related illness).They need to comply with the local Covid -19 test regulation.

● Hosts must ensure that all areas which may be visited by guests are adequately disinfected before any Eatwith event and, if visited by guests during an event, at regular intervals during the event.

● Hand sanitation

○ Hosts must follow CDC’s guidelines for handwashing; including washing hands before, during, and after preparing or serving food.

○ Handwashing facilities including soap and warm water must be available for guests to use throughout the event.

Hand sanitizers offering effective protection against COVID-19 must be made available for guests attending the event; including entrances and contact areas.

● Facial covering

○ Hosts are required to wear appropriate facial covering and take other necessary precautions when preparing and serving food.

○ Hosts must follow local guidelines on wearing facial covering during their Eatwith events.

● Physical menus provided to guests at events should not be shared must be single-use and discarded after events.

● Napkins

○ Single-use napkins/ towels should be available in restrooms and handwashing areas throughout each event. Non-disposable or multi-use napkins and towels should not be used.

○ Single-use napkins/ serviettes are recommended for at the dinner table.

○ Linen napkins at the dinner table are permitted but must be properly washed at 140-194 degrees Fahrenheit/ 60-90 degrees Celsius.

● Air circulation

○ Hosts are recommended to leave windows open for circulation.

○ Hosts are recommended to host in outdoor spaces, if available.

● Event size limitations set by local authorities must be followed.

● Spacing

○ Governments have instituted new spacing limitations on gatherings applicable for public events. Hosts must follow all guidelines set by your local authorities as they are implemented and updated and must offer attendees the opportunity in advance to request special spacing or other provisions (which may be declined before the event, but if not declined will be adhered to).

● Plating

○ Hosts must serve individual plates for guests. Communal or shared dishes and serving cutlery should be avoided.

● Shared condiments may be used only as needed and subject to thorough sanitization before and after use. Wherever possible alternative arrangements to avoid the risk of contamination between people should be made.

● Vaccination

○ Authorized COVID-19 vaccines can help protect you and the others from COVID-19, we strongly suggest to keep yourself informed following the latest news on OMS.

Measures for Guests:

● Guests may not attend an event if on self-quarantine, or suffering from any transmissible or infectious disease or illness, or experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 (or related illness). They need to comply with the local Covid -19 test regulation.

● Guests may only visit areas which the Host has indicated are intended to be visited.

● Guests must follow CDC’s guidelines for handwashing and use the handwashing facilities provided.

● Where required in order to comply with the Protection Guidelines, guests should wear appropriate facial coverage.

● Guests should cooperate with the Host in taking appropriate action to comply with these guidelines and the Protection Guidelines.

● Guests accept that they are responsible for their own conduct.

● Guests understand that attending events has associated risks and whilst reasonable efforts may be expected to be made to reduce those risks they cannot be eliminated. Guests waive any right to claim for any infection contracted whilst attending an event (except to the extent that the infection is contracted as a result of the gross negligence of the Host).

● Authorized COVID-19 vaccines can help protect you and the others from COVID-19, we strongly suggest to keep yourself informed following the latest news on OMS.

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